
lǎo jiā
  • hometown;old home;native place;my parents or your parents
老家 [lǎo jiā]
  • (1) [old home]∶指在故乡的家庭

  • (2) [hometown;native place]∶指原籍

  • 我老家是湖南

  • (3) [my parents or your parents]∶对人称自己的或他人的父母

老家[lǎo jiā]
  1. 游戏介绍:这里是小鸭子唐纳可爱的老家。

    The game is introduced : Here is little duck 's Tang Na lovely native place .

  2. 一九一一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。

    In the autumn of1911 , we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou .

  3. 我常常想起老家的朋友。

    I often think about my friends back home .

  4. 在我的老家,谁都不出卖朋友。

    Where I come from , you don 't rat on your friends .

  5. 这匹马受了伤,只好送它回老家了。

    The injured horse had to be destroyed .

  6. 安妮是兰开夏郡姑娘,老家在普雷斯顿附近的朗顿。

    Anne is a Lancashire lass from Longton , near Preston

  7. 回英国老家再见!

    See you back in Blighty !

  8. 他回到老家感到愉快舒适。

    He was happy and comfortable back in his old home .

  9. 一场热病把他送回了“老家”。

    A fever brought him to his long home .

  10. 我得离开老家,感到很痛苦。

    It pains me to have to leave my home .

  11. 有些老家伙愚弄了他们所有的人。

    Some old duck fooled them all !

  12. 我老家在山东。

    I am from shandong .

  13. 吴女士14岁时在中国老家开始学习剪纸艺术。

    Ms Woo began to study the art of paper cutting as a 14-year-old girl in her hometown in China .

  14. 离开这个老家非常痛苦。

    It was a wrench to leave the old home .

  15. 那个老家伙抬起头嘟囔着说:“一点儿不错,亲爱的。你看起来一点也不像个老妇人。”

    The fellow lifted his head and muttered under his breath : " That 's quite true , darling . You don 't look like an old lady at all . "

  16. “食忆录”也有更感性的方式,作者在文中开启一段感人历程,返回老家寻根,其中很多也有菜谱。

    In more sentimental2 varieties of the foodoir , the author embarks3 on an emotional journey , returning to his or her ancestor ’ s roots . Many have recipes , too .

  17. 作为一个老家是美国得州的人,而且还是个乡村音乐迷,我便细看了那些CD。

    Being from Texas and a big fan of country music , I took a look at the CDs there .

  18. 他说:我已经决定投票推选Mary,不再选已经在华盛顿呆了这么久的那个老家伙了。

    1 : I 've decided to vote for Mary instead of that old guy who has been in Washington so long .

  19. 25岁的席邵东(音)已在IBM工作了7年时间,他说自己拿完离职补偿后就会回靠近西安的老家。

    Xi Shaodong , 25 , who had been with IBM for seven years , said he would take the severance and return to his home near Xian in northern China .

  20. 7.homecomingn.(长期离开后)回到家里[故乡,祖国]是我回老家才引发这件事的。我必须面对事实,接受可能发生的事情。

    It was my homecoming that had precipitated this thing , and I must face the facts and take what might be coming to me .

  21. 足球(口语叫“soccer”),在英格兰和欧洲是最受欢迎的运动,其传统老家在英格兰,出现于19世纪。

    Football ( or " soccer " as it is colloquially called ), the most popular sport inEngland as well as in Europe , has its traditional home in England where it wasdeveloped in the19th century .

  22. 我们第一次乘火车去我的中国养女(当时8岁)格雷丝(Grace)的老家时,列车上的厕所臭到我们连盒饭都吃不下去。

    On our first train journey , to the home town of my then eight-year-old adopted Chinese daughter Grace , the rail car 's potty ponged so much that we could not stomach our picnic .

  23. 诺基亚(Nokia)营销高管拉尔斯•拉斯穆森(LarsRasmussen)和他在幼儿园执教的太太米歇尔•弗雷泽(MichelleFrazier)在北京住了3年后,决定带上两个孩子返回老家丹麦。

    Lars Rasmussen , a Nokia marketing executive , and his wife , Michelle Frazier , a kindergarten teacher , have decided to return with their two children to their native Denmark after three years in Beijing .

  24. 在美林集团(MerrillLynch)被美国银行收购之后,这位悲观主义者便离开了美林,回到了老家多伦多,并成为GluskinSheff公司的首席经济学家。

    The longtime bear decamped from Merrill Lynch following the Bank of America ( BAC ) takeover and returned to his home city of Toronto , where he became chief economist at Gluskin Sheff .

  25. 当Mike得知他的老妈(CCHPounder,盾牌)希望他回到老家休斯顿,他马上就知道自己就要见到一成不变的老家人了。

    When Mike gets a phone call from his MOM ( CCH Pounder ," The Shield ") who orders him home to Houston , he quickly realizes the more his life has changed , the more his family has stayed the same .

  26. 去年,在伊斯坦布尔结束了其首个WTA年终锦标赛之后,29岁的李娜回到了老家武汉。随后她到北京为中国赞助商泰康人寿、乳品企业伊利以及昆仑山矿泉水拍照。

    After competing in her first WTA Year-End Championships in Istanbul , the 29-year-old returned to her home in Wuhan , then traveled to Beijing for photo shoots with Chinese sponsors Taikang Life Insurance , dairy company Yili and Kunlun Mountain Mineral Water .

  27. 2014年主办世界杯的巴西,是在苏黎世遭到逮捕的国际足联高官若泽·马利亚·马林(JoséMariaMarin)的老家。一些人为马林辩护,声称美国为增加在国际足联的影响力才进行调查。

    In Brazil , the host country of the 2014 World Cup and the home of Jos é Maria Marin , the powerful soccer authority who was among the FIFA figures arrested in Zurich , some defenders of Mr. Marin contended that the investigation was an effort by the United States to gain influence within FIFA .

  28. 你也从没告诉我你在老家给猫挤奶。

    You never told me about your cat-milking days in motown .

  29. 你的老家湖南天气怎么样?

    How about the weather in Hunan where you are from ?

  30. 爸爸准备带我去江西老家。

    Dad is going to take me our hometown in Jiangxi .