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lǎo yā
  • crow
老鸦 [lǎo yā]
  • [crow]〈方〉∶乌鸦

老鸦[lǎo yā]
  1. 唐老鸦的小汽车是什么颜色的?

    What colour is Donald 's car ?

  2. 唐老鸦的小汽车是红色的。

    Donald 's car is red .

  3. 唐老鸦正在漆他的小汽车。

    Donald 's painting his car .

  4. 老鸦是一边黑的,他不希望独自成为白毛儿的。

    All crows are black , and he didn 't want to be the solitary white one .

  5. 于是那强盗学了三声鸡叫,一声老鸦叫答复了这个暗号。

    Then the bandit thrice imitated the cry of a crow ; a croak answered this signal .

  6. 城根的空旷,与城墙的高峻,教他越走越怕。偶尔看见垃圾堆上有几个老鸦,他都想绕着走开,恐怕惊起它们,给他几声不祥的啼叫。

    The open desolation at the foot of the walls and their towering height filled him with foreboding as he went , so much so that he even skirted crows scavenging on the rubbish heaps for fear of startling them into inauspicious cawing .