
  • 网络ancient pines
  1. 导游:女士们、生们,我们将在御花园里稍适休息,那里还有亭子,珍稀花草和古松古柏可供观赏。

    Ladies and gentlemen , we 're going to take a rest in the Imperial Garden . And you can also find pavilions , rare flowers and ancient pines and cypresses .

  2. 古松苍劲挺拔。

    The sturdy old pines stand tall and straight .

  3. 古松桥?这个地方应该看一下。

    The ancient Song Bridge ? We ought to take a look here .

  4. 千山古松衰亡原因及综合治理技术探讨

    The cause of decline of ancient pines in Mount Qianshan and its integrated control techniques

  5. 第三纪以来,古松辽水系经历了几次大规模的河湖交替。

    Since the Tertiary period , the ancient Song Huajiang-Liaohe drainage system has Undergone several large-scale alternations of lake and river .

  6. 这里山花古松遮掩着悬崖峭壁,鸟语花香,生意盎然,一派秀丽景色。

    Wild flowers and old pines on the precipice , with birds singing among them , form a beautiful scene full of life nd vitality .

  7. 山上有无以计数的奇石,清瀑,古松,石桥,庙宇,宝塔,亭阁,殿堂。

    Mount Tai boats its numerous grotesque stones , clear waterfalls , age-old pine tree , stone bridges , temples , pavilions , pagodas and halls .

  8. 段誉再次落下,双臂伸出,牢牢抱住了古松的另一根树枝,登时挂在半空,不住摇晃。

    And when dropped again , he reached out both hands , firmly folded a branch of the pine , his waving body hung in the air .

  9. 我在泰山上觅寻我的祖先遇雨而避的山崖和古松,遗憾地没有找到这个景点。

    I tried to find the famous cliff and the ancient pine on Mount Tai , where my ancestor had sought shelter from rain , regrettably to no avail .

  10. 研究发现古松周围土壤各层都缺乏有机质、全氮和速效磷;不缺乏速效钾、有效铁、有效铜、有效锌。

    Results showed that these famous aged pine trees grew on soils containing low organic matter , total nitrogen and readily available phosphorus but with enough available potassium , iron , copper and zinc .

  11. 近几年来,陵区内不少古松死亡或者濒临枯败,令人非常痛惜,陵园的保护与开发势在必行。

    In the recent years , lots of ancient pine trees have been dead or nearly withered . As the result of this grieving matter , the protection and develop on the mausoleum are imperative .