
  • 网络Babylon;Babylonian;ancient babylon;babylonia;old babylonian
  1. 古巴比伦时期的社会经济中,女祭司阶层发挥了重要的经济作用。

    The priestesses had a important action in the social economy of Old Babylon Dynasty .

  2. 从《汉穆拉比法典》和土地买卖合同看古巴比伦时期的土地制度

    Discussion on the Old Babylon land system by the Law Code of Hammurabi and the field contracts

  3. 古巴比伦社会是否存在债务奴隶制?

    Did there exist debt slavery in ancient Babylon society ?

  4. 古巴比伦婚姻习俗若干问题的再考察

    Reflection on Some Marital Customs in the Old Babylonian Period

  5. 古巴比伦人敬奉一个名为“奥尼斯”或“伊亚”的海神。

    The Babylonians were known to worship a sea-god called Oanne or Ea .

  6. 试论古巴比伦时期女祭司的家庭地位

    The Familial Status of the Priestesses in Ancient Babylon

  7. 《汉穆拉比法典》与古巴比伦的社会正义

    The Code of Hammurabi and Old Babylonian Social Justice

  8. 古巴比伦正四棱台体积公式古证复原

    Reconstructing the Proof of Babylonian Volume Formula for the Frustum of a Square Pyramid

  9. 狱警的血会流的像古巴比伦河一样。

    The blood of the guards is gonna flow like the rivers of ancient babylon .

  10. 古巴比伦时期,房产买卖开始活跃起来,房屋及房基地的买卖成为普通人的商业活动。

    In old Babylon dynasty , the house-sale became flourishing and formed the perfect contracts .

  11. 古巴比伦的的天文学家认为太阳每365天绕地球一周。

    Babylonian astronomers believed the sun moved around the earth every three hundred sixty-five days .

  12. 也许是古巴比伦的土壤。

    Maybe the soil of ancient Babylon .

  13. 你可能会想到古巴比伦人或是中东的另一族群。

    You might think it was the Babylonians or another group in the Middle East .

  14. 古巴比伦数学概观

    Essentials of the ancient Babylonian mathematics

  15. 古巴比伦人用六十进位制,即以60为基的数系。

    The sexagesimal scale , or number system based on 60 , was used by ancient Babylonians .

  16. 我们今天使用的时间划分方式是由四千年前古巴比伦时期发展而来。

    The divisions of time we use today were developed in ancient Babylonia four thousand years ago .

  17. 我们知道伞在古埃及和古巴比伦用作遮阳。

    We know that the umbrella was also used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade .

  18. 对女祭司这一特殊群体的研究,有助于进一步的了解古巴比伦社会状况。

    It is helpful to research the special Priestess group for knowing the Old Babylon social state .

  19. 古巴比伦奴隶制经济

    Old Babylonian slave-owning economy

  20. 柏拉图问题的产生和回答与古希腊和古巴比伦数学哲学密切相关。

    The origin and the answer of the Plato 's problem was related to the philosophy of mathematics .

  21. 古巴比伦人以强迫国王摘下皇冠、下王服的方式庆祝节日。

    The ancient Babylonians celebrated it by forcing their king to give up his crown and royal clothing .

  22. 古巴比伦法典与秦汉法典比较:私有奴隶制和国家公有奴隶制

    The Private Slavery System in the Babylonian Law Code and the State Slavery One in the Qin-Han Code

  23. 古巴比伦王国在著名的国王汉误拉比(公元前1792-1750)的统治下曾经繁荣一时。

    The Babylonian kingdom flourished under the rule of the famous King , Hammurabi ( 1792-1750 BC ) .

  24. 对其进行研究是认识和了解古巴比伦时期政治、经济、文化等社会内涵的重要环节。

    Studies on the slave is to know the politics , economy , culture of the Old Babylonian Period .

  25. 以古巴比伦时期的土地租赁契约对土地租赁中的租金问题进行分析研究,可得出一些新的研究成果。

    This article has got some new points according to a lot of field-lease contracts belong to Old Babylon Period .

  26. 在研究古巴比伦和埃及文化的时候,考古学家在一些容器里发现了类似肥皂的东西。

    Archeologists have found containers filled with a material similar to soap while studying the ancient cultures of Babylon and Egypt .

  27. 在古巴比伦时期,由于特定的社会和经济条件,社会上兴起了一个特殊的妇女阶层,即女祭司。

    During the Old Babylon Dynasty , a special woman estate namely Priestess appeared because of given social and economic conditions .

  28. 早期的智慧文学既有对古巴比伦宗教哲理诗的借鉴,也有对古埃及教谕文学的吸收;

    In the later wisdom literatures , the conception of wisdom was turned from phenomenalism to ontology , from epistemology to ethics .

  29. “13不吉利”的说法最早要追溯到古巴比伦的《汉谟拉比法典》,该法典中跳过了第13条法律,原因不明。

    This belief might go back as far as the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi , which skips a 13th law for unclear reasons .

  30. 古巴比伦王国在著名的国王汉谟拉比(公元前1792~1750)的统治下曾经繁荣一时。

    The Babylonian kingdom flourished under the rule of the famous King , Hammurabi [ 2 ] ( 1792-1750 BC [ 3 ] ) .