
  1. 他的成绩均为世界最好成绩。

    Both of his winning times were world bests .

  2. 美国另一名好手、男子400米名将米·约翰逊以44秒04跑出了该项目本赛季的世界最好成绩。

    Another competitor from the US , the famous men's400 meter competitor Johnson , with a time of44.04 seconds , ran the best in the world in this event in this season .

  3. 世界男子全能年度最好成绩在2001年以前稳中有升,而在2001年后略有下降。

    The annual best achievements of the world were steadily improving before 2001 , and retrograded after 2001 .

  4. 在此之前,俄罗斯男篮参加了多次世界洲际大赛,最好成绩也仅是第二名。

    Before this , Russian basketball team participated a lot of intercontinental competition of world , thebest result is only the second .