
wánɡ wèi jì chénɡ rén
  • successor to the throne
  1. 自此勃应囊已经作为缅甸军队无可代替的总帅而存在,因此,德彬瑞蒂决定任命他为其法定的王位继承人,并做出了正式的宣布。

    Bayin Naung had rendered invaluable service as commander-in-chief of the Myanmar forces , so Tabinshwe Hti appointed him heir apparent and Bayin Naung was formally declared successor to the throne .

  2. 她的任务就是生育王位继承人。

    Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne .

  3. 一位可能的王位继承人与平民缔结婚约,这种事还只是第二次。

    It 's only the second time a potential heir to the throne has married a commoner .

  4. 这让Joe成为了王位继承人。

    That makes him the heir to the Iron Throne .

  5. 查尔斯王子在哈罗兹附近的山丘小屋(hillhouse)预备学校就读时,成为第一个与杰出平民共用一间教室的王位继承人。

    Prince Charles was the first heir to the throne to share a classroom with the great untitled when he attended hill house , a preparatory school near Harrods .

  6. BMG研究公司代表《独立日报》进行的这项调查发现,46%的英国人希望第一王位继承人放弃这个位置,让剑桥公爵登上第一王位继承人的位置。

    The survey by BMG Research on behalf of The Independent found 46 per cent of Britons want the first in line to the throne to abdicate immediately to allow the Duke of Cambridge to take the throne .

  7. 温斯顿我是下一个王位继承人。

    Winston , I 'm next in line for the throne .

  8. 你和菲奥娜是下一任王位继承人。

    You and Fiona are next in line for the throne .

  9. 她在王位继承人顺位中排第三。

    She 's third in order of succession to the throne .

  10. 王位继承人非常幼小

    The heir to the throne was a really tiny child ,

  11. 王位继承人肯定要保住其继承权。

    The heir to the throne must uphold his succession .

  12. 你是卡莱尔失散的王位继承人。

    You are the long-iost heir to the Carlyle throne .

  13. 威尔士王子是王位继承人。

    The prince of Wales is heir to the throne .

  14. 理查德现在是安茹帝国的王位继承人。

    Richard was now heir to the throne of the Angevin empire .

  15. 为什麽英国王位继承人被称之为威尔斯王子?

    Why is the heir to the throne called the Prince of Wales ?

  16. 也是刚铎的王位继承人。

    And heir to the throne of Gondor .

  17. 之后是一个王位继承人

    and then an heir to the throne .

  18. 他是王位继承人。

    He is heir to the throne .

  19. 在典礼中,乔治王子的曾祖母,以及两位未来的王位继承人都围绕在他的身边。

    Prince George was surrounded by his great grand mother and two future kings at the ceremony .

  20. 在英国,通常由下一位王位继承人摄政。

    In the UK , it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent .

  21. 2008年,查尔斯王子超过了他的曾曾祖父爱德华七世,成为英国史上等待继位时间最长的王位继承人。

    In 2008 , he became the longest-waiting heir in British history , overtaking his great-great grandfather Edward VII .

  22. 威尔士王储(英国常授予王位继承人的封号)。

    The Prince of Wales , ie ( in Britain , the title often given to the heir to the throne )

  23. 克拉伦斯王府上个月宣布,现年56岁的英国王位继承人查尔斯将和他的多年情侣、57岁的帕克·鲍威斯成婚。

    Clarence House announced last month that the56-year-old heir to the British throne would wed his longtime lover Parker Bowles , 57 .

  24. 但是天皇作为一种信仰的象征,仍然享有很高的地位。所以,一个有望成为王位继承人的男婴的出生还是受到了媒体的极大关注。

    But the monarchy remains rich with symbolism and ritual and the birth of a possible imperial heir had mesmerized the media .

  25. 这名王室新成员也将继其祖父查尔斯王子、父亲威廉王子和她哥哥乔治王子之后,成为英国王位继承人。

    The latest royal joins the line of succession behind her grandfather Prince Charles , father Prince William and brother Prince George .

  26. 当你的亲人是未来王位继承人的时候,你该为你所爱的人买什么当礼物呢?

    Well , just what exactly do you buy for your loved ones when they 're literally in line to the throne ?

  27. 无论孩子是男孩还是女孩,他或她将是未来排在后面的王位继承人。

    Regardless if the child is a boy or a girl , he or she is next in line for the throne .

  28. 最新民意调查显示,查尔斯首超儿子威廉,成为新的王位继承人人选。

    A new poll finds Charles now leads his son William and the people 's choices to succeed Queen Elisabeth on the throne .

  29. 继弟弟哈里王子后,这位英国王室的第二王位继承人也将在这所“精英院校”接受培训成为一名军官。

    The second-in-line to the British throne is following younger brother Prince Harry into the elite academy to train to become an officer .

  30. 英国史上等待继位时间最长的王位继承人查尔斯王子近日谈到他已经等不起了。

    Prince Charles , the longest-waiting heir to the throne in British history , has spoken of his ' impatience ' to get things done .