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  1. 周一下午,在广州市附近的一所军事医院里,王悦的父亲告诉CNN,王悦一直处在生命垂危的险境。

    Wang remained in critical condition Monday afternoon in a military hospital in the nearby city of Guangzhou , her father told CNN .

  2. 王悦的父亲回应了这种观点,认为女儿的悲剧并不仅仅是个人的。

    Echoing such sentiment , Wang 's father said her tragedy is more than just personal .

  3. 在刘靖的住处,王悦看到以前演出录相。

    In the residence , they saw their last performance video , then changed guitars with each other .

  4. 广州军医总医院的特护病房护士确认这位2岁女孩王悦,在周五清晨离世。

    A nurse in the intensive care unit of the Guangzhou MilitaryDistrictGeneralHospital confirmed that the2-year-old girl , Wang Yue , died early Friday .

  5. 王悦是我有幸合作过的人里边最有创造力和十分之成功的一个年轻人。

    Clifford Wong is one of the most creative and successful individuals that I have had the good fortune of working together with .

  6. 天津大学计算机系的宋鹏和南开大学会计系的王悦获得了一等奖。

    Song Peng , from the computer science department of Tianjin University , and Wang Yue , from the accounting department of NanKai University , won joint first prize .

  7. 他坚持说小女孩王悦的悲惨故事不是典型中国人的作为。王悦就是在繁忙市场中跌倒而没有人救助的小女孩。

    He insists that the tragic tale of Wang Yue , a little girl who was run down and left to die on a busy market street as people passed by , is not typical of his country .