
  1. SEC表示,王丽丽从张晓东控制的OrientalLightConsulting公司名下的账户,获得了36.7万美元,用来购买IPO股票。

    Ms Wang received $ 367,000 from a Zhang-controlled account in the name of Oriental Light Consulting to fund the purchase of shares in the IPO , the SEC said .

  2. sec称,张晓东“可能对(向王丽丽)泄漏与收购相关的非公开信息负有责任”,并指出两人之间存在财务联系。

    The SEC alleges that Ms Zhang " is likely responsible for disseminating , non-public information regarding the acquisition " to Ms Wang , citing a financial link between the two .

  3. 一个名叫王丽丽的女孩把她的姓王写在了前面。

    A girl called Wang Lili puts her last name Wang first .