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  1. 28岁的维多利亚王起个西方名字是亚洲文化中正在兴起的新潮流是上海丝芙兰的常客。

    Victoria Wang , a 28-year-old who adopted a Western name , another growing trend in Asian culture , is a frequent shopper at Sephora .

  2. 他轻看向王所起的誓、背弃王与他所立的约.主耶和华说、我指著我的永生起誓、他定要死在立他作王巴比伦王的京都。

    As I live , saith the Lord GOD , surely in the place where the king dwelleth that made him king , whose oath he despised , and whose covenant he brake , even with him in the midst of Babylon he shall die .

  3. 后来,从第一代诸王统治时期起,由于河洲过于狭窄,再也没有回旋的余地,巴黎遂跨过了塞纳河。

    Then , from the date of the kings of the first race , paris , being too cribbed and confined in its island , and unable to return thither , crossed the water .

  4. 鹿王,从现在起在我的国家里它们也安全了。

    My lord , from now on they too are safe in my land .