
  1. 中国社科院(cass)学者王俊生表示,平壤非常依赖中国对其政权交接过程的支持。

    Wang Junsheng , an academic at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , said Pyongyang relied too much on Chinese support for its succession process .

  2. 中国社科院(CASS)东北亚研究专家王俊生表示:“中国社会对于韩国的积极态度是韩流的基础。部署‘萨德’摧毁了这种感情基础。”

    Wang Junsheng , a north-east Asia studies expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Science , said : " Chinese society 's positive attitude towards South Korea is the base for the Korean Wave . The deployment of Thaad destroys this affection base . "