
  1. 王勤认为新iPad在中国迟迟不发售的原因是苹果与中国企业的iPad商标权诉讼案。此案最近刚刚了结。但他并未对在中国迟迟拿不到新iPad感到过分不满。

    Mr. Wang blamed the delay on a recently settled lawsuit between Apple and a Chinese company over the iPad trademark , but wasn 't overly downbeat .

  2. 应用程序开发公司XiaYiZhan的首席执行长王勤(音)在排队等待购买新iPad时说,他认为新的系统让苹果店的秩序好了很多。

    Wang Qin , the chief executive of application development company Xia Yi Zhan , said while waiting in line for his new iPad that he thought the new system helped make the situation at the store smoother .