
  • 网络Gutenberg;Johannes Gutenberg;Johann Gutenberg;Gutenburg
  1. 文中对卓越周期的物理机制作了简要的解释,并依B·古登堡公式推导了地倾斜的热倾斜估算公式。

    Physical mechanism of the predominant period is concisely discussed , and formula of thermic tilt component is deduced from B. Gutenberg relation .

  2. 基于这一原因,通过假定视震级(目录震级)围绕着真震级的正态分布,利用频率-震级关系式(古登堡-里克特公式)求真震级下的b值。

    For this reason , based on the uncertainty of the observed magnitude , i.e. , the apparent magnitude , the frequency magnitude relation ( Gutenberg Richter relation ) was estimated by assuming the normal distribution of the apparent magnitude around the true one .

  3. 古登堡计划里的书其貌不扬,用最普通的ASCII编码形式打成的文本,看上去无法分辨是否由老打字机做出来的。

    Project Gutenberg books had a frugal look , with their Plain Vanilla ASCII format , which might have been produced on an old typewriter ;

  4. 地震震级频度的古登堡-里克特关系式(简称G-R关系式)一直是许多地震学问题研究的重要前提之一,然而实际分布常常与这一关系式有一定的偏离。

    The G-R relation between the earthquake magnitude and frequency has been an important premise in seismological study , but its actual distribution often deviates from its theoretic result .

  5. 古登堡-里克特分布还是特征地震分布?

    The Gutenberg-Richter or characteristic earthquake distribution , which is it ?

  6. 地壳变形过程和古登堡-里克特关系的稳定性

    Crustal deformation processes and the stability of the Gutenberg-Richter relationship

  7. 震级频度与古登堡-里克特关系式偏离的前兆意义

    Precursory significance of the deviation of the magnitude-frequency from the G-R relation

  8. 古登堡计划知道是谁在下载他们的书吗?

    Does Project Gutenberg know who downloads their books ?

  9. 本文从实际大地介质出发,井结合断裂理论推演出了古登堡公式。

    Starting from real geo-medium and using fracture theory , Gutenberg-Richter formula is calculated .

  10. 约翰内斯古登堡的印刷机被认为是世界上最伟大的发明。

    Johannes Gutenberg 's printing press is considered one of the world 's greatest inventions .

  11. 在古登堡计划的用语中,“版次”和“版本”有什么区别?

    What is the difference within PG between an " edition " and a " version "?

  12. 在古登堡之后,手抄本的出版实际上继续增长,而且它的存在一直延续到三个世纪之后。

    Manuscript publishing actually expanded after Gutenberg and continued to thrive for the next three centuries .

  13. 然而实际的古登堡公式应当是既反映介质特征又反映应力水平的关系式。

    However , actual Gutenberg-Richter formula shall be relation which reflects both medium character and stress level .

  14. 迈克·哈特,电子书之父,古登堡计划创始人,于9月6日逝世,享年64岁。

    Michael Hart , father of e-books and founder of Project Gutenberg , died on September 6th , aged 64 .

  15. 地震的震级频度分布与古登堡&里克特关系式的偏离:大震之前前兆异常的检测

    Deviation of magnitude frequency distribution of earthquakes from the Gutenberg-Richter law : detection of precursory anomalies prior to large earthquakes

  16. 从古登堡印刷术的广泛使用到新媒体的出现,人们对于媒介应用和接受的方式也在不断的发生变化。

    The methods that people using and accepting Medias are continuously changing from the Gutenberg era to the new media age .

  17. 一方面古登堡发明了活字印刷使人们可以轻易拿到一车车的从没读过的书,

    This was partly because Gutenberg with his printing press had put wagonloads of books within the reach of people who had never read before ;

  18. 光是在古登堡计划期间,美国书籍的平均版权保护期限从原来的30年上升到了将近100年。

    During the lifetime of Project Gutenberg alone , the average time a book stayed in copyright in America rose from 30 to almost 100 years .

  19. 该段的地震活动属特征地震模式,不服从古登堡-里克特的线性震级频度关系。

    The seismicity of this segment does not follow the linear frequency-magnitude relationship described by Gutenberg and Richter because it is controlled by the characteristic earthquake model .

  20. 从古登堡到数字点播机,版权法中诸制度无不经历着权利观念的变化,法律制度的变迁,版权权利穷竭也不例外。

    From Gutenberg to Digital on-demand machines , copyright law are undergoing change in concept , the legal system , and the exhaustion of copyright is no exception .

  21. 如同在古登堡发明印刷术的500年来的情形一样,印刷在下一个世纪仍将是最重要的分享信息的技术。

    The printed word will be the most important technology for sharing ideas during the next century , just as it has been for the five centuries since Gutenberg .

  22. 将未来大震看作小概率事件是对古登堡震级与频次关系的误解;

    It also considered there is a misunderstanding for the relation between Gutenberg magnitude and grequency , as the method took the future large earthquakes as a small probability event .

  23. 没有人会否认,交流的模式正在迅速改变,当下的速度可能和古登堡那个时代变化一样快,但是把这种变化视作史无前例就是误导了。

    No one would deny that the modes of communication are changing rapidly , perhaps as rapidly as in Gutenberg 's day , but it is misleading to construe that change as unprecedented .

  24. 有趣的是,研究人员说:根据从古登堡计划下载的数据来看,最受欢迎的故事往往应用了较为复杂的情感弧线,“灰姑娘型”和“俄狄浦斯型”囊括了大多数下载作品。

    Interestingly , based on download statistics from Project Gutenberg , the researchers say the most popular stories are ones that use more complex emotional arcs , with the Cinderella and Oedipus arcs registering the most downloads .

  25. 1450年德国人古登堡在木刻板印刷的基础上研制成了活版印刷,海报作为向大众传播的媒介向前迈出了一大步。

    In the year of 1450 , Gutenberg , a German , developed letterpress on the base of woodcut plates printing . The poster , as a medium of communication with the public , made a big step forward .