
  • 网络collapsibility
  1. 黄土用SH固化后,压缩性减小,湿陷性消失。

    After loess is solidified by SH , the compressibility decreases , and the collapsibility is lost .

  2. 通过对黄土湿陷性影响因素的综合分析,认为湿陷性影响因素可以用宏观物理指标含水量(w)、孔隙比(e0)和塑性指数(IP)表示。

    On the basis of general analysis of the factors affecting loess collapsibility , it is believed that the physical factors mainly are water content , void ratio and plasticity index .

  3. CFG桩与水泥土桩在湿陷性黄土地基中的应用

    Application of the CFG pile and cement soil pile in collapsible loess foundation

  4. 湿陷性黄土层厚达20m左右,各类建筑与新建下渗水池之间的距离不得小于60m。

    The thickness of wet natural yellow soil layer is reach to 20 m , the distance between building and newly builted under infiltrates shall not less than 60m .

  5. 基于CFG桩复合地基在湿陷性黄土地区的应用,分析了CFG桩复合地基处理湿陷性黄土的作用机理&挤密作用、桩体作用。

    The functions of the CFG pile composite foundation for ground treatment of collapsible loess , compacted effect and pile effect , are analysed in according with the application of CFG pile composite foundation in collapsible loess regions .

  6. 结合侯马&禹门口高速公路E5合同段级自重湿陷性黄土采用粉喷桩处理实例,介绍了粉喷桩施工工艺及质量控制要点。

    Combined with the treatment example of collapsible loess using flyash churning pile , the paper introduced the construction technology and quality control of flyash churning pile .

  7. 阐述了DDC灰土桩在湿陷性黄土地基处理工程中的应用,介绍了其设计施工、质量检测,有效地消除了黄土的湿陷性,提高了地基的承载力,取得了良好的施工效果。

    It represents the application of DDC lime-soil pile in the foundation management of collapsibility loess , introduces the design construction , quality detection , eliminating the collapsibility loess effectively , increases the bearing of foundation and gets the good construction effect .

  8. 本文依托国道主干线(GZ40)禹阎高速公路上一座特大型桥梁(芝川河特大桥),对湿陷性黄土地区桥梁桩基承载性状进行了试验研究。

    Based on one extra-large bridge of the national major road ( GZ40 ) Yu-Yan expressway , this article did particular experimental research on the bearing properties of bridge 's pile in collapsible loess area .

  9. 对强夯法处理湿陷性黄土地基加固深度的公式作了分析,应用Menard理论,推导出了地基加固深度的经验公式,经在某工程中实际应用,验证了该公式的可靠性及适用性。

    Based upon analysis of the formula of reinforcement depth of dynamic consolidation in collapsible loess foundation treatment and Menard theory empirical formula of strengthening depth of foundation is derived . In addition its reliability and applicability are verified through practical engineering application .

  10. 本文通过分析研究强夯法加固湿陷性黄土土坝地基的施工试验,总结应用Menard公式的经验取值,成功地设计了施工参数,为后续的正式施工打下了坚实的基础。

    On the basis of analysis and study on construction experiences of reinforcing collapsible loess foundation of earth dam with dynamic compaction method , the construction parameters are designed with the empirical values of Menard formula , laying a solid foundation for later construction .

  11. 通过试验研究主要得出如下认识:①冲击压实技术处理湿陷性黄土地基时,其有效处理深度一般不超过80cm,冲压遍数以30遍左右为宜;

    Conclusions as following have got through test study : ( 1 ) When impact compaction technology is applied to treat collapsible loess subgrade , the effect depth may be treated generally can not override 80 cm and impact compaction pass is optimum at 30 times .

  12. 湿陷性黄土地基桩的负摩擦力问题

    Problems on Negative Friction of Pile Foundation in Collapsible Loess Region

  13. 强夯加固湿陷性黄土路基的瞬态动力数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of collapsible loess foundation reinforced by dynamic consolidation technique

  14. 湿陷性黄土对铁路路基的影响及工程措施

    Influence of collapsible loess on railway roadbed and its engineering solution

  15. 通过试验与分析,最后对该类地基土湿陷性作出了评价。

    Assessment from experiment and analysis of subsoil collapsibility was made .

  16. 湿陷性黄土地基沉降事故的处理实例

    An Handling Example of Sinking Incident of Wet and Sinking Loess

  17. 强夯法在湿陷性砂壤土地区的应用

    Application of Dynamic Compaction in the Area of Collapsible Sandy Silt

  18. 巨厚湿陷性黄土覆盖层下条带开采参数研究

    Research on Parameter of Trip Mining under the Thickness Collapsible Loss

  19. 采动厚湿陷性黄土破坏数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation about the damage of thick collapsible loess by mining

  20. 析黄土湿陷性曲线评其工程意义

    Analyzing the curves of collapsing loess and assessing its engineering significance

  21. 关中地区黄土湿陷性的模糊综合评判

    The Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation on Collapsibility of Loess in Guanzhong Area

  22. 湿陷性黄土结构性研究的回顾与探讨

    Review and Discuss on The Study of Collapse Loess Structural Characteristics

  23. 湿陷性黄土中大直径扩底桩垂直承载性状的试验研究

    Vertical Bearing Behaviour of Large Diameter Belled Pile in Collapsible Loess

  24. 高压喷射搅拌桩在湿陷性黄土路基中的应用

    Application of high pressure injection mixing pile on collapsible loess subgrade

  25. 湿陷性黄土地区建筑地基及地道的处理

    On treatment of architectural foundation and subway in collapsible loess area

  26. 换土法处理深厚层湿陷性黄土地基

    The Method of Processing Collapsibility Loess Thickly Layer Groundwork with Soil-Exchanging

  27. 自重湿陷性黄土场地建筑物纠偏设计与实践

    Design and practice for rectification of building on collapsible loess ground

  28. 湿陷性黄土地区地铁车站深基坑降水施工技术

    Dewatering Construction Technology in Deep Foundation Pit of Collapsible Loess Region

  29. 湿陷性黄土地基中预制桩承台板设计

    The Bearing Sheet Design of Precast Concrete Pile in Collapsible Loess

  30. 强夯技术在湿陷性黄土路基施工中的应用强夯技术消除地基振动液化的研究及应用

    Application of dynamic compaction technology in collapsible loess road foundation construction