
  • 网络Scrubber;wet dust collector;Wet scrubber
  1. 湿法烟气脱硫系统中GGH结垢及优化方案的研究钠气溶胶除尘系统中文丘里湿式除尘器的优化

    Scaling Problem and Optimization of GGH in the Wet Limestone-gypsum Flue Gas Desulfurization ; OPTIMAL OPERATION PARAMETERS OF VENTURI SCRUBBER FOR SODIUM AEROSOL SCRUBBING SYSTEM

  2. 湿式除尘器烟气带水的分析及其解决办法

    Analysis and solving of smoke - bringing water in wet-type dust remove

  3. 旋风喷雾式湿式除尘器性能试验研究

    An Experimental Research on the Properties of Centrifugal and Spray Wet Collector

  4. 文丘里湿式除尘器烟气带水的原因分析及防止方法

    Cause Analysis and Preventing Method of Flue Gas Water of Wet Scrubber

  5. 民用小锅炉湿式除尘器脱硫性能的评估

    Evaluating function of the wet instrument of taking off dust on civil boiler

  6. 湿式除尘器中脱水装置性能的理论和实验

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Characteristic of Dewater Equipment on Wet Scrubbers

  7. GB/T15187-1994湿式除尘器性能测定方法

    Measuring method for performance of wet dust collectors

  8. 中心流场湿式除尘器的试验研究

    Experimental research on central field wet dust collector

  9. 选矿厂破碎系统高效旋涡湿式除尘器的应用

    Application of High Efficiency Vortex Wet Dust Remover in the Crushing System of Concentrator

  10. 湿式除尘器中相似理论的研究

    Study on the similar theory of wet scrubbers

  11. 湿式除尘器设计探析

    Design Analysis of Wet Dust Collection Equipment

  12. 中小型锅炉湿式除尘器污水净化循环利用探讨

    A Probe of Sewage Treatment and Cyclic Utilization of Wet Dust-remove Equipment of Medium Boiler

  13. 自激式水浴水膜除尘器在机掘工作面的工业性试验新型湿式除尘器在机掘工作面中的应用

    The Application of New Type Wet Dust Removers in the Working Face of Mechanized Tunneling

  14. 燃煤电厂文丘里管湿式除尘器存在的主要问题及对策

    Problems with venturi scrubber and their prevention

  15. 备有多重挡板的湿式除尘器

    Wet type multiple baffle chamber

  16. 用锅炉冲渣水为水源的湿式除尘器脱硫

    On Wet Process of Sulfur and DUST Removal With a Substitude of Flush Slag Water for Clean Water

  17. 垂直腔面发射激光器湿法氧化工艺的实验研究钠气溶胶除尘系统中文丘里湿式除尘器的优化

    Experimental study on wet oxidation process of VCSEL optimal operation parameters of Venturi scrubber for sodium aerosol scrubbing system

  18. 除尘设备主要包括电除尘器、布袋除尘器、旋风除尘器和湿式除尘器等。

    The dedusting equipment mainly includes dust catcher , pocket dust collector , centrifugal dust separator and wet dust collector .

  19. 针对手烧锅炉的烟尘特性,开发了一种新型湿式除尘器。

    A new type wet dust collector was developed to deal with the flue gas of the hand stoke boilers .

  20. 湿式除尘器广泛应用于工业和民用锅炉及冶炼、燃烧设备的环保领域。

    The wet dust remover widely applies in the industry and the civil boiler and smelting , fuel-burning equipment 's environmental protection domain .

  21. 介绍了元明粉生产中湿式除尘器所起的作用和其在运用中存在的问题,以及相对应的技改措施。

    The function and problems of wet deduster in the production of Glauber ′ s salt and corresponding measures of technical modification are introduced .

  22. 完善湿式除尘器设计与探讨脱硫除尘技术新途径

    Perfect the design of the wet type dust remover correctly and the new way to probe into dust removal of technology of the sweetening

  23. 随着大气污染的日趋严重和各工业部门烟气排放标准的提高,性能较高的湿式除尘器显得更加重要和需要。

    With the air pollution becoming serious and each industrial department enhancing the letting standard , high performance wet dust collector becomes important an necessary .

  24. 湿式除尘器使用效果关系到制盐干燥床出力及成品盐含水率,同时也影响到企业环境保护工作。

    Application effect of wet duster does not only relate to the efficiency of fluidized bed dryer and moisture content of product but also influence the protection of enterprise environment .

  25. 为彻底解决湿式除尘器存在的问题,建议研讨组合式脱硫除尘技术的新途径。

    In order to solve the wet type dust remover to store in the problem completely , propose the new way to discuss dust removal of technology of sectional sweetening .

  26. 因此,开展湿式除尘器的研究,在保障其总粉尘除尘效率的同时,提高其呼吸性粉尘除尘效率具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is of great importance to conduct the research on wet dust collector and raise its removal efficiency for respirable dust while ensuring its removal efficiency for total dust .

  27. 本文描述通风除尘中气固两相流动的运动规律,导出了湿式除尘器分级效率的计算公式;

    In this paper , the movement law of gas-solid two - phase flow in ventilation dust suppression are described . The calculating formulas of fractional efficiency in the wet scrubbers are determined .

  28. 但是,由于技术上的原因,目前使用的普通湿式除尘器除尘效率特别是呼吸性粉尘除尘效率较低,使粉尘治理效果并不理想。

    However , the ordinary wet dust collectors being used at present have lower removal efficiency for dust , especially for respirable dust due to technology , dust can 't be effectively under control .

  29. 并对这种废气的治理提出了采用湿式除尘器与气液吸收设备相组合的装置&文丘里除尘器及改进的玻璃钢酸雾净化塔净化方案。

    It is recommended that the Venturi Dust collector and improved fibreglass epoxy acid mist cleaning tower & wet dust collector gathering and liquid-gas absorption device combination could be used for waste gases cleaning .

  30. 采用刚性给料器和湿式除尘器,同时对部分设备改造,生产无水硫酸钠干燥包装部分的粉尘污染能得到彻底治理。

    By the adoption of rigid feeder and wet precipitator and other equipment 's improvement in the production of anhydrous sodium sulfate , the dust pollution in the sections of drying and packing can be controlled throughly .