
zhàn shì
  • war;hostilities
战事 [zhàn shì]
  • [war] 与战争相关的各项事宜;特指战争

  • 重开战事

  • 战事炽然。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

战事[zhàn shì]
  1. 他们正准备结婚,不巧却因爆发战事而受阻。

    They were planning to get married and then the war intervened .

  2. 我用短波收音机收听最新的战事新闻。

    I use the short-wave radio to get the latest war news

  3. 经年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。

    Years of fighting have left the area in ruins .

  4. 战事爆发之后,他回到英格兰参军了。

    When hostilities broke out he returned to England and joined up .

  5. 切斯勒先生说国外的军事援助拉长了战事。

    Mr Chesler said foreign military aid was prolonging the war

  6. 若战事一起,两国均会损失惨重。

    Both countries have much to lose if there is a war .

  7. 国防部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。

    The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far

  8. 他面临民主党内对可能出现的战事不断滋长的不满情绪。

    He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war .

  9. 该地区战事加剧之后,大批难民开始逃离。

    Groups of refugees are on the move following intensified fighting in the region .

  10. 战事一起,所有人都盯紧了电视报道。

    The minute that the war started , everybody was glued to the television .

  11. 当局已敦促人们储存燃料,以防战事爆发。

    The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out .

  12. 人们一致认为应该竭尽全力阻止战事扩大。

    There was general agreement that every effort should be made to prevent the war from spreading .

  13. 在波多黎各的战事很短暂;但是战争结束后,西班牙将该岛屿割让给了美国。

    Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico , but after the war Spain ceded the island to America

  14. 战事突起。

    Hostilities broke out .

  15. 这位大使竭尽全力防止战事的爆发。

    The ambassador did his utmost to prevent the outbreak of hostilities .

  16. 大军渡江前暂无战事。

    There was a lull in the fighting before the army crossed the yangtze .

  17. 许多人在那场可怕的战事中失去了生命。

    Many people laid down their lives in that terrible conflict .

  18. 战事将起的庞大阴影占据每个人的心

    The prospect of war loomed large in everyone 's mind .

  19. 从伊拉克战事出发,围绕我国雷达的生存能力,介绍了美国GPS制导系统对抗雷达的最新应用情况。

    Proceed from facts of Iraq war and around radar 's viability , this paper introduces the current applications of GPS guiding system antagonizing radar .

  20. 英国皇家联合军种研究院(RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute)的军事分析家MalcolmChalmers说,目前为止,公众还没有真正关注阿富汗的战事。

    Military analyst , Malcolm Chalmers of Britain 's Royal United Services Institute , says until now the public has not really events in Afghanistan .

  21. 他称此番增兵已使得美国主导对抗ISIS的战事步入了全新阶段。

    He calls the increase a new phase in the U.S. - led fight against ISIS .

  22. 1905年,俄日战争进入了僵局,美国总统罗斯福(TeddyRoosevelt)调解了战事。

    In1905 , the Russo-Japanese War settled into a stalemate , US President Teddy Roosevelt was called in to mediate the settlement .

  23. Hotline是指美苏领导人之间的直接交流,设置hotline有个很重要的目的:避免两个竞争国在当时的冷战期间发生意外战事。

    The hot line was a direct communications link between the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States . The hot line had an important purpose : to prevent war between the two competitors during the period known as the Cold War .

  24. 路易斯自愿前往战区报导战事。vt.抓住;突然感到……;

    Louise volunteered to go to the war zone to report on the war .

  25. 6.cedevt.让给,割让;放弃一系列欧洲战事的结果是佛罗里达被割让给英国。

    As a result of a series of European wars , Florida was ceded to England .

  26. 多年战事后,伊拉克和叙利亚对抗ISIS组织的战争是否会重演这种结果依然悬而未决。

    After years of military action , we 'll that be the same with ISIS in Iraq and Syria , that 's still an open question .

  27. CNN报道,周二,以色列对哈马斯主要建筑发动了进攻,海上也爆发了一起事件。战事已进入第四天,以色列国防部长表示,他们正在对加沙全面开战。

    With Tuesday 's attacks on key Hamas structures and an incident at sea , Israel 's defense minister said it is waging an " all-out war " on Gaza as fighting entered its fourth day , CNN reported .

  28. CNN特派员杰米·麦肯泰尔:这份研究称伊拉克及阿富汗战争是自越战以来耗时最久的战事,在结论中表示这两场战事已经造成大规模的心理疾病,这些疾病有时候会致命。

    JAIME MCTNTYRE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Calling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan the most sustained combat operation since Vietnam , the study concludes the conflicts have produced an epidemic of mental illness-the kind that can sometimes kill .

  29. 亲爱的美国同胞们:伊拉克主要战事已经结束

    My fellow Americans : Major combat operations in Iraq have ended

  30. 干预利比亚并非第一场定义浑沌不明的战事。

    The Libya intervention is not the first fuzzily defined war .