  • entreat;end;finish
  • centre
  • 中心,正当中:中~。

  • 恳求:~求。~告。

  • 尽,完了:夜未~。


(恳求) entreat:

  • 央请帮忙

    entreat for help


[书] (终止; 完结) end; finish:

  • 夜未央。

    The night is not yet spent.


(中心) centre:

  • 船央


  • 房间央

    the middle of a room

  1. 科技部表示,我国通过政府引导、央地联动等方式大幅提升基础研究投入。

    Through government support and coordination of Science and Technology .

  2. 这档名为《央young之夏》的节目,汇聚了包括康辉、撒贝宁、尼格买提等40余名中央广播电视总台的主播。

    Called " Young Summer , " the show brings together over 40 anchors and hosts from China Media Group , including Kang Hui , Sa Beining and Nigemaiti .

  3. 其次说明了国资委EVA业绩评价体系在央企的适用性,对考核方法进行了解读。

    Second , it illustrates the usability of the EVA performance evaluation system implemented in central enterprises and interprets the assessment methods .

  4. 结果显示了,在央企内部,内部控制与EVA的相关关系是存在的,但是却也显示出了不足之处。

    In the State-owned Key Enterprises , the internal control is positively correlative with the EVA , but the problems are existed in the relationship .

  5. CS集团是国内知名的航运央企,早在本世纪初已经尝试实施预算管理。

    CS Group is a well-known shipping central level , as early as in the beginning of this century has been to try to implement budget management .

  6. 一档由中央广播电视总台5G新媒体平台“央视频”推出的综艺节目,

    A variety show launched by Yang Shipin , China Media Group 's 5G new media platform ,

  7. 从2010年起,国资委将EVA指标定为考核我国央企负责人经营业绩的最主要指标,替代原来的传统会计指标。

    Starting in 2010 , the SAC will assess EVA targets as head of the central enterprises the most important business performance indicators , to replace the original traditional accounting indicators .

  8. 样品的Na元素和Cl元素XRF分析结果表明:李屋遗址和大荒北央遗址出土的盔形器的含盐量明显高于其他样品,显示这二地的盔形器与早期海盐生产有关。

    The analysis and results of XRF verified that there was a higher salinity in galeiform vessels than in other samples , which suggests that galeiform vessels are related to ancient sea-salt prodution .

  9. 巴克莱(barclays)首席国际经济学家朱利安卡罗(juliancallow)表示,德拉吉在重复过去欧洲央行为债券购买计划进行辩护的言辞。

    Julian callow , head of international economics at Barclays , said Mr Draghi was echoing language used by the ECB to justify bond purchases in the past .

  10. 其次,本文在研究模型中创新性的引入了自由现金流与EVA业绩考核的交叉变量,研究EVA业绩评价体系是否能够通过对自由现金流使用的监管而对央企的盈余管理现象产生治理效应。

    Secondly , this paper create a new variable that the cross-variable of free cash flow and EVA performance evaluation , to test if EVA performance evaluation system can governance the earning management phenomena by supervision the abuse of free cash flow .

  11. 央企的EVA考核是一场企业管理的改革,是一种价值管理体系的建立,而内部控制作为一种企业价值管理工具,其与EVA存在怎样的关系,却很少受到关注。

    The EVA assessment in State-owned Key Enterprise is the reform of corporate governance and the establishing of value-based management system . But the relationship between the EVA and internal control which is the means of the value-based management is not concerned by most people .

  12. 自基金合同生效以来,截至2009年12月31日止,除央企ETF和治理ETF由于上市时间较短涨幅不大之外,其余五只ETF都有极大的涨幅。

    Since fund contract has become effective , Central Enterprises ETF and Corporate Governance ETF increased a little owing to the short time of being put into market , all the other 5 ETFs have increased tremendously by December 31,2009 .

  13. Bentall手术是治疗主动脉瘤的经典术式,为治疗升主动脉瘤或夹层并主动脉返流开辟了广阔的前景,对于整个升主动脉瘤变或央层的病人,这是唯一根治的方法。

    Bentall operation is the classical method for the treatment of aorta root aneurysm , and it provide a wide space for the treatment of aorta aneurysm or dissection with aortic insufficiency .

  14. 在那段时期,日本央行走的是谨慎渐进路线,与这个月黑田东彦(HaruhikoKuroda)搞出的大动静有天壤之别——黑田承诺,要在两年之内让货币基础翻番。

    In that period , the bank took a cautiously incremental approach , a far cry from Haruhiko Kuroda 's big bang this month , with his pledge to double the monetary base in two years .

  15. 在杭州,央企一直忙于扩大版图。

    In Hangzhou , they have been busily expanding their footprint .

  16. 钳子扣滑时,把我的大拇指狠狠央了一下。

    I gave my thumb quite a nip when the pliers slipped .

  17. 央抑镇民都出来欢迎他。

    The whole population of the town came out to welcome him .

  18. 剩15秒,14,13,12数4央点。

    Ross : 15 more seconds , 14 , 13 , 12 ...

  19. 央子港港址选择的探讨

    Study on the site selection of the Yangzi port

  20. 台湾泉州腔央元音的崩溃与语音标记性

    Phonetic Markedness and the Collapse of Central Vowels of Quanzhou Dialect in Taiwan

  21. 央企证券化的投资机会

    Investment Opportunity for Large State-owned Enterprises in Stock Market

  22. 他央求爱神赐给它生命。那饕餮便变成了马特洛特。

    He besought Love to give it life , and this produced Matelote .

  23. 在央美展出的复制品就囊括了这6件画作。

    The reproductions of all these six pieces are on show at CAFA .

  24. 许多央企在没有获得审批的情况下贸然进入海外衍生品市场投资。

    Many central enterprises enter the overseas derivatives markets in the absence of unapproved .

  25. 他的央刨打于比赛结束。

    His home run decided the game .

  26. 新会计准则的实施对央企绩效评价财务指标影响的研究

    The Influence of New Accounting Standards ' Realization to Central Enterprises Performance Evaluation Financial Index

  27. 那些侵略者毁坏央抑。

    The invaders destroyed the whole town .

  28. 基于噪声信道模型的维吾尔语央音原音识别

    Noisy Channel Based Uyghur Harmonized Vowel Identification

  29. 中国加速央企重组。

    China revs up central enterprise regrouping .

  30. 央企立即响应。

    Central enterprises to respond immediately .