
  1. 新闻门户网站央广网在星期四报道,一个有争议的保险政策近期在中国推出,该政策旨在保护“好心人”不被老年人讹钱。

    A controversial insurance policy that will protect " good Samaritans " from being sued by elderly people was recently launched in China , news portal cnr.cn reported on Thursday .

  2. 电影制片方华谊影业的一位高级经理在周六告诉新闻网站央广网,该电影并没有在鼓励人们吸烟,他们只是在用艺术的方式再现居民的真实生活。

    A senior associate of production studio H. Brothers told news site cnr.cn on Saturday that the film did not encourage people to smoke , but aimed to artistically recreate residents ' real life .

  3. 据央广网报道,兰州交通大学博文学院的代表日前前往了因休病假而被解雇、最终死于癌症的教师的家中,并表达了歉意。

    Representatives of Lanzhou Jiaotong University Bowen College went to the house of the sick teacher who was fired when she went on sick leave and then died of cancer to apologize , reported cnr.cn .

  4. 据新闻网站央广网周一报道,家庭成员之一的李女士表示,当她婆婆的妹妹提出近2000元(320美元)餐费AA制时,她春节聚餐的胃口都被破坏了。

    According to a relative , a woman surnamed Li , appetites were spoiled at the Spring Festival dinner when her mother-in-law 's younger sister proposed going Dutch on the nearly 2000-yuan ( 320 dollars ) feast , news site cnr.cn reported on Monday .