
  1. 进入21世纪后,在我国,由于种种原因,开始发生政府为履行提供公共服务的职能而提前收回已授予的特许经营权的案例。

    Into the 21st century , in China , for various reasons , the Government began to regain the franchise has been granted ahead of time to discharge the functions of the provision of public services and .

  2. 对持票人来说,贴现是将未到期的票据卖给金融机构获得流动资金的行为,这样可提前收回垫支于商业信用的资本。

    For the possessor , the discount is the behavior of selling the due bill to the financial organ in order to obtaining the floating capital , which may take back advances money to the commercial credit capital .

  3. 投资者提前计划3年收回了整个投资。

    The investors recouped their total investments three years ahead of schedule .