
  • 网络Sales season;peak season;season of sales
  1. 分析师认为,即使进入春季这个销售旺季,购房者的需求依然偏弱。

    Analysts said buyers'demand remains weak heading into the spring sales season .

  2. 大号3000打中号5000打小号2000打随着销售旺季的临近,总订货量需在六月运到。

    Large 3000 dozen Medium 5000 dozen Small 2000 dozen As the sales season is approaching , the total order quantity should be shipped in June .

  3. 这是个节日销售旺季的好行当。

    This is a great one going into the holiday season .

  4. 是的,在一月销售旺季的第一天。

    Yes , on the first day of the January sales .

  5. 为迎接圣诞节销售旺季而装点商店橱窗。

    To dress the shop windows for the Christmas sale .

  6. 这是一年中最繁忙的销售旺季。

    It was the busiest selling period of the year .

  7. 我们得准备好那商品以备圣诞节销售旺季。

    We have to have the merchandise ready for the christmas sale blitz .

  8. 不过她已先行预告,这是亚马逊历来的最佳销售旺季

    But she said this was Amazon 's " best season ever . "

  9. 我们希望货物能赶在圣诞节销售旺季时抵达。

    We hope the goods will arrive in time for the Christmas rush .

  10. 其他地区的销售商也报告这个销售旺季有了个良好的开端。

    Elsewhere , retailers are also reporting a good start to the season .

  11. 随着销售旺季的来临,市场行情将会上涨。

    As the selling season is drawing near , the market is going to go up .

  12. 迎接玩具的销售旺季

    Meet the toys busy season

  13. 进入暑促和临近十一长假销售旺季,早起上市的机型促销力度加大。

    Into the heat hurried and near the eleven holiday season , early listing models promotion strength to increase .

  14. 因而要求你方立即装运以便于我们能赶上销售旺季。

    So we ask you to hasten to make shipment so that we can catch brisk demand of the season .

  15. 但分析师焦急等待着有关强势日元是否会在圣诞销售旺季损及出口商的指导数据。

    But analysts are anxious for guidance on whether the strong yen will hurt exporters in the run-up to Christmas .

  16. 我们坚持即期交货,因我们希望货物能于10月底以前到达以?上圣诞节销售旺季。

    We insist on prompt delivery as we 'd like the goods to reach here before the end of October for our Christmas sale .

  17. 这接近公司为明年制定的10%的目标,尽管第二季度历来是销售旺季之一。

    This is close to the 10 per cent targeted for next year , although the second quarter is traditionally one of the strongest .

  18. 因此,生产计划均是围绕客户订单而制定的,尤其在销售旺季,生产计划的周期短、变化快。

    So production plan need to be made according to customer orders . In midseason of the market , the circle of production planning becomes shorter .

  19. 我方很遗憾得知货物要等到6月30日才能装船,那时已经错过销售旺季了。

    We are disappointed to be informed that the consignment will not be shipped until June 30 , which is too late for the high season .

  20. 每年秋天,这个城市的商店都开始聘用更多的雇员,增加广告投放,为盛大的圣诞销售旺季做好准备。

    EXAMPLE : Every autumn the stores in the city start to gear up for the big Christmas shopping season by hiring more employees and increasing advertising .

  21. 随着销售旺季的过去,这种需求就会减少,资源实例被回收并重新分配给其他应用。

    As we moved out of the buying crunch , the need would be diminished and the instances of that resource would be de-allocated and put to other use .

  22. 由于圣诞销售旺季即将来临,买主雇催促我们立即交货,否则他们就赶不上季节了。

    As the Christmas shopping season is getting near , buyers urge us for an immediate delivery of the goods . Otherwise , they would be behind the season .

  23. 餐馆业主可以改变他们的菜单,在这个圣诞销售旺季,然而,更容易提供假日的降价,希望让顾客盈门。

    Restaurant owners may change their minds and menus this holiday season , however , and be more apt to offer holiday bargains in hopes of getting people in the door .

  24. 出于类似的反弹预期,建筑商2010年也曾有过一波上涨行情,但春日销售旺季业绩不佳,而且税务优惠项目到期后复苏未能实现,因此同年秋季投资者又开始抛售。

    Builders rallied in 2010 over similar rebound expectations , but sold off by the fall of that year when the spring selling season flopped and the recovery failed to materialize after a tax-credit program expired .

  25. 由于我国大陆地区盆栽花卉销售旺季主要集中在春节和国庆等重大节日,而蝴蝶兰正常花期在每年的3-4月份,因此花期调控便成为生产中最关键的一个环节。

    The potted flowers sale in the Spring Festival or National Day and other major holidays , while the normal flowering of Phalaenopsis was in April every year , so the production of flowering regulation technology has become one of the most critical part .

  26. 分析师表示,目前正值秋季销售旺季之初,此时采取降价行动,应能使微软在这个不景气的年份里保持相对于索尼的优势。秋季游戏机销量通常占全年销量的近三分之二。

    The cuts come at the start of the busy autumn season , which usually accounts for nearly two-thirds of annual console purchases , and should enable the US software company to maintain its advantage over Sony in what has been a weak year for the industry , analysts said .

  27. 零售商将迎来销售的旺季。

    Retailers are coming up for a better month for sales .

  28. 邓鸿文称,近期实地走访珠江三角洲地区期间,她看到许多开发商降价5%或更大幅度。目前成交量下降,尽管9、10月传统上是中国房地产销售的旺季。

    On a recent fact-finding trip to the Pearl River Delta , Ms Deng said she saw many developers reducing selling prices by 5 per cent or more amid a decline in transaction volumes , even though September and October are traditionally the strongest months for mainland property sales .

  29. 随着经济的恢复,其销售已回复旺季。

    Along with the recovery of economy , the sales seems to be developing .