
xiāo shòu quán
  • Sales rights;power of sale
  1. 超明公司不断努力扩充产品的服务内容,现在拥有国际性知名积体电路零组件之代理权和特约销售权。

    The chaoming company is making great efforts to expand the service content of the products constantly , have international famous attorneyship of accumulating the body circuit spare part and special power of sale now .

  2. 这种倾向,在国内法中表现为对药品专利延长保护期的规定,在TRIPS协议中表现为邮箱申请条款和专有销售权的规定。

    This trend is expressed as the pharmaceutical patent extensions in civil law , Mail-box provision and exclusive marketing right in the TRIPS agreement .

  3. 一些印度的本土公司也将受到冲击,Gilead曾与这些公司一起,降低了向最贫穷国家出售此药的价格,但保留了自己在中等收入市场上的独家销售权。

    It will also hit the local companies with which it has lowered the cost of the drug to the poorest while protecting exclusivity in middle - income markets .

  4. 事情在2003年发生了变化。总部位于旧金山的游戏开发商&林登实验室(LindenLab)在那年推出了第二生命,让游戏玩家拥有自己创造或购买物品的所有权和销售权,赚取真实的利润。

    This changed in 2003 when Linden Lab , a San Francisco-based game developer , launched Second Life and gave players ownership rights over the items they created or bought and the right to sell them for a profit in real dollars .

  5. 对专利权人许诺销售权的思考

    Pondering Over the Patent Owners'Right of the Promissory Sales

  6. 1994年,瑞士药厂诺华买走了复方蒿甲醚在中国以外市场的销售权。

    Swiss drug firm Novartis acquired the rights to market the therapy outside China in1994 .

  7. 专利技术的使用权、制造权和产品的销售权授权接受方;

    Whereas Licensee hope to use the Patented Technology of Licensor to manufacture and sell the Contract Products ;

  8. 专利是指对于有一个或多个独有特征的商品的独家生产或销售权。

    A patent is an exclusive right to produce and sell a commodity that has one or more unique features .

  9. 此次修改的主要内容包括:增加了许诺销售权,建立了诉前禁令制度,加强了保护力度等。

    The modification mainly includes : increasing offering for sale , establishing injunction system , improving protection , and so on .

  10. 书面合同赋予某地产代理商在一个指定的时段获得物业的独家销售权。

    A written contract that gives one real estate agent the exclusive right to sell a property in a specified time period .

  11. 2000年8月25日通过的新《专利法》增加了对专利权人的许诺销售权的保护。

    The new patent law passed on 25 August 2000 , has increased the protection of the right of offering for sale .

  12. 从我国彩票业整体利益出发,改革福利、体育两个部门的彩票管理体制,通过立法,在保证所有权、监督权统一的前提下,实行销售权竞争的彩票管理模式。

    Considering the whole interests of the lottery industry of our country , reform the present lottery management system of both the welfare department and the physical education department .

  13. 在禁酒法案废止近80年后,美国有三分之一州的白酒或葡萄酒销售权部分或者完全的掌握政府手中。

    ALMOST 80 years after the repeal of Prohibition , the sale of wine and spirits remains partly or wholly in government hands in a third of America 's states .

  14. 由有实力的五强集团公司购买煤矿50%以上股权,将煤矿作为集团的一个子公司,控制煤矿公司的自主销售权和人事管理权。

    Wuqing Group could buy more than 50 percent stake in coal mines , and take the mine as a subsidiary of Group , so that group would control the sale of coal and personnel management in mine .

  15. 在普通法系中,所有权至少包括这样的一些权利:占据权,占有权,使用权,滥用权,用尽权,出租权,担保转让权,销售权,交易权,赠与权,遗赠权和销毁权。

    In common law system , it includes at least the rights to occupy , possess , use , abuse , use up , let out , lend , transfer in security , sell , exchange , gift , bequeath , and destroy .

  16. 来自中国动向(ChinaDongxiang)的竞争也越来越激烈,该公司拥有意大利运动品牌Kappa在中国的产品销售许可权。

    There is also growing competition from Dongxiang , which owns the China licence to the Italian sportswear line , Kappa .

  17. 这家公司购买了对最新迪斯尼影片的销售规划权。

    The company has bought merchandising rights to the latest Disney film .

  18. 本公司的其中一客户拥有非洲加纳地区的独家销售代理权。

    This One of the company 's customers in Africa and Ghana have the exclusive right to sales agents .

  19. 在有些情况下,合作关系会延伸到利益分配、以及在电力需要不断增加的国家中的联合销售优先权。

    In some cases , partnership extends to gain-sharing and joint marketing and sales initiatives in countries with a growing power need .

  20. 它在爱尔兰的分公司持有欧洲销售的许可权,这样多数利润就流向了那里。

    Its Irish subsidiaries hold royalty rights for European sales and most profits flow there .

  21. 1961年通过的体育电视转播法对美国四大职业体育联盟集中销售电视转播权给予反垄断豁免。

    Leagues were exempted from antitrust law when collect sale broadcast right through the 1961 sports broadcast law .

  22. 他行使了获得这项产品的独家销售的选择权。

    He exercised his option or he took up his option to acquire sole marketing rights to the product .

  23. 微软自己的赚钱方式——销售软件许可权——正受到互联网的长期威胁。

    Microsoft 's own way of making money - selling software licences - is under long-term threat from the internet .

  24. 这可以转化为周边收益:像《环太平洋》这样的电影,光盘和视频的销售以及许可权都可以产生利润。

    That translates to ancillary revenue : disc and video sales and licensing , and in the case of a film like Pacific Rim , merchandising .

  25. 现代版权法的权利穷竭原则意味着一旦作品的原件或是复制件经权利人同意而进入市场后,该作品作为商品的进一步销售,著作权人均无权控制。

    The exhaustion of exclusive right principle of modern copyright act means as soon as the original paper or duplication of works licensed by the copyright owner enters the market , the copyright owner has no right to control further selling of this works .

  26. 就算某部电影的dvd销售和将播映权出售给电视台的状况良好,其利润回报也大大减少,因而相应向二线明星提供的版权费也同样大为缩水。

    Middling stars are being offered much smaller guaranteed fees in return for a bigger cut of the profits if a film sells well on DVD and television .

  27. 最理想的资产是对其他一些东西销售的特许经营权。

    The ideal asset is the royalty on someone else 's sale .

  28. 传统的首次销售原则是著作权法中一项限制著作权人专有权利的重要的原则。

    Traditional First Sale Doctrine is an important doctrine of Copyright Law which restrains the exclusive right of copyright owners .

  29. 甲方优先拥有乙方商品在中国市场销售的独家代理权,具体方式双方另行协商并签订合同。

    Party A shall have the priority to be the exclusive agent of Party B 's commodities in China and the two parties negotiate and sign contract later .

  30. 嗯,搞销售的人根据他们的销售预测有些发言权。

    Well , the marketing people have some say , based on their sales forecasts .