
  • 网络Investing in China;Invest in China;China Venture
  1. 分析师认为,长期而言,投资中国仍具有吸引力,jupiter基金打算抓住这种潜力。

    Analysts agree that investing in China is still attractive over the long term , and the Jupiter fund will aim to capture that potential .

  2. 在1998年加盟TPG后,单伟建让该集团成为投资中国及亚洲的外国私人股本的先锋,并领导了一系列盈利丰厚的交易,包括收购深圳发展银行(SDB)。

    Weijian Shan established TPG as a pioneer in foreign private equity investing in China and Asia and led a string of lucrative deals after joining the firm in 1998 , including its acquisition of Shenzhen Development Bank .

  3. 凯雷集团(carlylegroup)计划投资中国一家机械制造公司而签订的协议已经到期,预计这项历时3年、备受争议的交易如要获得监管批准,必须再次修改方案。

    The contract underpinning the controversial planned investment by Carlyle Group in a Chinese machinery maker has lapsed , raising the prospect that the three-year-old deal will have to be revised again to secure regulatory approval .

  4. 与许多竞争对手一样,雷曼兄弟正渴望获准投资中国内地券商,以便从不断飙升的首次公开发行(ipo)和零售交易委托中获利。

    Like many of its rivals , Lehman Brothers is itching to be allowed to invest in a domestic brokerage , to benefit from soaring initial public offering and retail trading commissions .

  5. 3i表示,它决定通过在岸方式投资中国市场,反映了它的长期对华投资战略,以及它对中国金融市场增长的信心。

    It said its decision to go onshore reflected its long-term commitment to China as well as its confidence in the growth of the local financial market .

  6. 随着中国成为全球经济发展的推动力量,投资者特别希望获得投资中国市场的机会。RBC资本市场称,2010年中国经济增长预计将达到10%。

    Investors have been particularly keen to gain exposure to China as it has become the driving force behind the global economy , with growth forecasts of 10 per cent for 2010 , says RBC Capital Markets .

  7. 跨国公司投资中国市场策略及动向分析

    Investment Strategy and Pulse Analysis of MNC Invested in Chinese Market

  8. 外资投资中国矿业的回顾与展望

    Review and Outlook on the Foreign Investment into the Chinese Mining Industry

  9. 外商投资中国网络产业研究

    A Study on Foreign Investment in China 's Internet Industry

  10. 外商投资中国旅游业的法律环境

    Legal Environment for Foreign Investment in China 's Tourism Industry

  11. 在乐观者看来,投资中国的理由很有说服力。

    To enthusiasts , the case for investing in China is persuasive .

  12. 外国投资者在是否投资中国股票的问题上左右为难。

    Foreign investors face a big dilemma when it comes to China .

  13. 卡特彼勒投资中国建设未来

    Caterpillar : Invest in China to built a future

  14. 论跨国公司投资中国体育赞助的文化冲突和整合

    Multinational Corporations Investing in Sport Sponsorship in China : Cultural Difference and Integration

  15. 企业发行人民币计价债券,其目标不仅仅在于投资中国内地。

    Companies are not only issuing renminbi-denominated bonds to invest on the mainland .

  16. 上个月,新闻出版总署发文禁止外国企业投资中国网络游戏产业。

    Last month , GAPP released a circular banning foreign investment in China 's online game industry .

  17. 但是,华特强调说其公司也提供一些特别的途径来投资中国。

    But Mr Watt stresses that his company also offers a particular approach to investing in China .

  18. 投资中国饭店业

    Investing China Hospitality Industry

  19. 文章结合《外商投资中国创业投资企业管理规定》对四个方面进行了分析。

    It analyses four points in accordance with the supervision rule to the foreign investment venture capital enterprise .

  20. 五年前,这些公司纷纷投资中国的奢侈品零售业,包括高档餐饮业。

    Five years ago these firms were piling into China * s luxury retail sectors , including dining .

  21. 关于投资中国,考虑到文化差异,你们用什么方法?

    About investing in China , do you use the same approach considering the culture is so different ?

  22. 私募股权行业以及一些专门投资中国的公共股票投资者则抱有更加乐观的看法。

    The more upbeat counter to this comes from private equity and some public equity investors specialising in China .

  23. 这些公司的一些高管对中国日渐增强的竞争感到忧虑,并开始投资中国外包业。

    Some of their top executives fear growing competition from China and are making investments in outsourcing capabilities there .

  24. 与此同时,主要投资中国的离岸基金和较小型的独立本土基金等其他结构却兴盛起来。

    At the same time , alternative structures such as offshore China-focused funds and smaller independent local funds are flourishing .

  25. 投资者还对富达迄今尚未获得投资中国国内a股市场执照表达了担忧。

    Investors also expressed concern that fidelity does not yet have a licence to invest in the domestic Chinese A-share market .

  26. 中资银行预计能够在提供投资中国的渠道和推出人民币产品方面有不错的表现。

    They are expected to do well in offering investment access to China and products denominated in renminbi , the Chinese currency .

  27. 北京净琉璃信息咨询有限公司为国内外有意投资中国大陆城市基础设施建设和环保领域的企业提供信息咨询服务。

    Provide advisory services for enterprises who are interested in investing on the fields of Chinese urban infrastructure construction and environmental protection .

  28. 事实上,在多种因素的叠加作用下,投资中国地产开发商发行的债券成为了一个愈发可疑的选择。

    In fact , the combination of several factors makes investing in the bonds of Chinese property developers an increasingly iffy proposition .

  29. 目前正值外国投资者暂停投资中国而又四处寻觅其他地点之际,所以问题还不太严重。

    For the moment , as foreign investors choke on their China investments and look elsewhere , that does not matter too much .

  30. 然而,长期而言,我认为投资者将从直接和间接投资中国经济增长中获益。

    In the long-run however , I believe investors will be rewarded by having some direct and indirect exposure to the growth of China .