
wù lǐ xì
  • physics department
  1. 我是物理系的Cooper教授。

    Sheldon : I 'm Dr. Cooper from the Physics Department .

  2. 答:“雪花在形成过程中对周围环境非常敏感,特别是温度和湿度,”加州理工学院物理系主任肯尼思·G·利布雷希特(KennethG.Libbrecht)说。他开设了一个网站,专门解释雪晶。

    A. " The growth of a snowflake is sensitive to its immediate environment , especially the temperature and humidity , " said Kenneth G. Libbrecht , chairman of the physics department at the California Institute of Technology , who maintains a website explaining snow crystals .

  3. 他曾在北京大学物理系肄业两年。

    He studied physics in Beijing University for two years .

  4. 物理系隶属于理学院。

    The Department of physics is in the Faculty of science .

  5. IwasinDepartmentofPhysics.我读的是物理系。

    Peter : I was in Department of Physics . Snow : How were your scores at college ?

  6. DavidRobinson在麻省理工学院的物理系毕业之后,于1998年加入Iris。

    David Robinson came to Iris in1998 , after studying physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

  7. 文章描述了作者本人从一名物理系的研究生成长为美国非常有名的红外仪器公司的CEO(首席执行官)的经历。

    The author describes his own career from a graduate student to a CEO of a very successful American infrared instrument company .

  8. 用微软VISUALFOXPRO6.0中文版设计和实现了开放式的湛江师范学院物理系设备资源管理系统。

    In this paper , the design of Microsoft Visual Foxpro 6.0 is also used and equipment resource management system of Department of physics , Zhanjiang Normal College for open is exploited .

  9. 这个测量方法是由美国Toledo大学物理系的Dr。

    This method was developed in a-Si group of Toledo University , in USA.

  10. 斯特拉斯克莱德的大学物理系的OlafRolinski博士领导了该研究。

    Dr Olaf Rolinski , of the University of Strathclyde 's Department of Physics , led the research .

  11. 本文介绍了兰州大学现代物理系的ZF-150型中子发生器大厅内X-γ照射量率和γ能谱测量的结果。

    This paper gives the results of X ,γ exposure rate and γ spectra measured in the hall of neutron generator of Model ZF-150 at Lanzhou University .

  12. 物理系把实验用品存放在一个储藏室里。

    The physics department keeps its laboratory supplies in a storeroom .

  13. 他是一个规模很大的物理系的系主任。

    He was head of a very large department of physics .

  14. 在这所房子里住的孩子是物理系的学生。

    The boys who live in the house are physics students .

  15. 馥基现在是科大物理系的哲学硕士研究生。

    Fuk-kay is now studying for his MPhil in Physics at HKUST .

  16. 他们要清洗物理系的地板。

    They 're steaming the carpets in the physics department .

  17. 加强物理系学生科研工作的体会

    Experience about Enhancing Abilities of Physics Students in Scientific Research

  18. 高校物理系天体物理导论的教学

    The teaching of an introduction to Astrophysics in physics department in Universities

  19. 物理系弦乐四重奏还缺一个大提琴。

    Leslie : The Physics Department string quartet needs a new cellist .

  20. 我叫大卫?苏,我是物理系的。

    I 've David Su from the Department of physics .

  21. 高校物理系《高等数学》课程的教学改革

    The educational reform to ' higher mathematics ' in physics department of university

  22. 我当了物理系的教学助理。

    As a teaching assistant in the physics department .

  23. 高等数学对物理系后继课影响的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of Higher Mathematics Course Influence on Following Courses of Physics Department

  24. 现代应用物理系的原子核结构实验研究简介

    Overview of Experimental Research on Nuclear Structure in Department of Modern Applied Physics

  25. 工程热物理系传热学研究工作概况

    A Review of the Research on Heat Transfer in Department of Engineering Thermophysics

  26. 北京大学物理系80年

    80 Years of Physics Department , Beijing University

  27. 清华大学物理系原子核物理研究的新进展

    New progress of research on nuclear physics in Department of Physics of Tsinghua University

  28. 化学物理系的人才培养特色

    Training of Talents in a Chemical Physics Department

  29. 首都师范大学物理系;

    Department of Physics , Capital Normal University ;

  30. 我想有数学系,物理系,化学系和力学系。

    I think they are Departments of Mathematics , Physics , Chemistry and Mechanics .