
  • 网络material unit word
  1. 这些差异的根源在于古汉语物量词的不同遗留和特有的民俗文化的影响。

    The differences are caused by measure words in archaic Chinese and different folk customs .

  2. 封物量词的次范围进行分类研究,分为自然单位量词、借用单位量词和制度单位量词三种。

    Form words on the scope of classification of sub-divided into " natural units quantifier ", " to borrow units Classifier " and the " system unit of measure word " three .

  3. 第一章绪论。简要介绍汉语量词的特点,概述了汉语量词研究的现状以及本文研究的意义和价值,并封本文研究材料、研究范围和研究方法做了说明。第二章物量词研究。

    Briefly describes the characteristics of Chinese quantifiers , outlining the current status of Chinese quantifiers study the meaning and value of this study , and this study material , scope and research methodology is explained . Chapter ⅱ: Research on object quantifier .