
dònɡ bīn jié ɡòu
  • verb-object construction
  1. 过去的语法书说“动宾结构”不能作它动词,不能带外宾语。

    Traditional grammar books claimed that verb-object construction cannot serve as transitive verbs , and cannot hold outer object .

  2. 再次,通过“N的V”结构与主谓结构或动宾结构的对比,进一步探讨语句中使用“N的V”结构的深层原因。

    Thirdly , inquiry into the deep reasons of using " V of N " in the sentence through the comparison between " V of N " and structure of predication or structure of complementation .

  3. 本文试图通过对V1+V2动宾结构内部关系的分析和外部功能的研究,推动现代汉语动词连用的研究向具体化、深入化发展。

    In hopes of promoting and enriching the study on this successive using of verbs , the present thesis makes an attempt to carry out an exploration on the external function and the internal relation of this Vi + V : verb-object structure in question .

  4. 具有动宾结构的复合词是动宾式复合词。

    Verb-object structure compound words are the words with verb-object structure .

  5. 慎待形同定心结构的动宾结构

    Treat Cautiously the Adjective-centre Structure in the Form of Side-centre Structure

  6. 汉语动宾结构开+NP的认知考察

    A Research on the Chinese Structure of " Kai + NP "

  7. 动宾结构的语法转喻研究中,对吃加宾语的动宾结构尤其是吃食堂的研究有不少成果。

    There are nota few studies of VO structure especially eat + object .

  8. 论英语动宾结构的语义逻辑关系

    On the Logical Significance of English Verb-object Word Group

  9. 这是多义结构,既可以分析为动宾结构又可以分析为偏正结构。

    They can be analysed into not only Verb object Structures but also Modifier-core Structures .

  10. 分析佤语动词的动宾结构与动补结构。

    Analysis of the Vax language verb verb-object structure and dynamic make up the structure .

  11. 量否定的结果与词序的关联标记模式具有语用、认知动因。否定词与被否定对象的次序是动宾结构的隐喻表现;

    The result of quantitative negation and the relevance-marking model are of pragmatic and cognitive motives .

  12. 汉语动宾结构和英语对应的翻译相比,在语义关系上的变化。

    The semantic change between the VO structure in Chinese and its corresponding translation in English .

  13. 动宾结构;

    Verb - object structure ;

  14. 动宾结构词汇化是动词性成分或宾语成分独立性弱化的结果。

    This study explores the static verb-object structure via a topical analysis of the word order pattern .

  15. 浅论汉英动宾结构的异同韩礼德的及物性与翻译

    On the Similarities and Differences Between the Transitivity Structures of English and Chinese Halliday 's Transitivity and Translation

  16. 在古代汉语和现代汉语中都出现了动宾结构+宾语句式。

    The structure of " V · O1 + O2 " exist in Classic Chinese and Modern Chinese .

  17. 其次,本文就传统研究动宾结构的词汇语意方法与格式语法作一个比较。

    Second , this thesis also compares the traditional lexical semantic studies with the approach of Construction Grammar .

  18. 发现多/少+N结构类型有:名词性偏正结构、动宾结构、两者皆可。

    It shows that there are three structural types : noun primary-and-secondary structure , verb-object structure , or the two .

  19. 汉语动宾结构的基本情况,主要是语义分类的情况。

    The basic condition of the structure in Chinese is the semantic classification This part is to classify the VO structure in Chinese .

  20. 所谓动词+目的宾语结构,指的是动词所支配的句法成分往往表示施事者主动发出某种动作或行为目的的一类动宾结构。

    Structure of the so-called " verb + purpose object " means that sentence structure composition supported by verb shows doer sends out a certain movement or behavior of purpose .

  21. 另外一个是学习汉语的时间长短对他们理解汉语动宾结构的情况有没有影响,有多大的影响。

    In addition , We also hope to see that if the time length has any effect on their understanding the Chinese VO structure , or how much effect it will have .

  22. 这篇论文的主要内容是用比较的方法,来分析汉语和英语两种语言在动宾结构上的差别,以便更深入的观察汉语的特点。

    The main content of this thesis is to analyze the differences of VO structure between Chinese and English by using the comparative method in order to further observe the features of Chinese .

  23. 判断状动宾结构是不是多切分结构,应该从结构、功能、意义三方面来衡量。

    To judge whether the structure of " adverbial verb object " is a multi cutting one or not , this paper thinks that it should be weighed from such three aspects as : structure , function and meaning .

  24. 这种情况形成的原因可能有很多,这一部分论文主要是从语法结构上说明,英语译文除了动宾结构之外,还有哪些语法形式可以表示汉语的动宾构作。

    There are many reasons which form this condition , This part is mainly explained from the aspect of grammar structure , except the VO structure in English version , there are many other grammar forms to show the VO structure as is in Chinese .

  25. 近代汉语动宾补结构

    The " Verb-object-complement " Structure in Chinese Language of Near-modern Times

  26. 句前动宾话题结构也是受特征核查驱动的移位而生成。

    Sentence initial topic construction is also driven by feature-checking .

  27. 对多切分的“状动宾”结构进行层次分析时,应该根据“状”、“动”、“宾”这三者之间的语义疏密关系来确定。

    The confirmation of the analysis of a multi segmental'A-V-O'structure should be verified by the semantic closeness of the relation between'A ' , 'V'and'O ' .

  28. 英汉两种语言在基本句子结构方面的相似性,即都是主+动+宾结构,为顺译的可行性提供了条件。

    The similarity in the basic sentence structure between Chinese and English , that is , the structure ofSubject + Verb + Object , facilitate the use of syntactic linearity in SI .

  29. 由于离合词大多数都是动宾型的结构,而用如动宾的这一部分本不是动宾结构,只是由于错误类推等原因造成了他们的动宾性,因此更具有特殊性和代表性。

    The acrostic is mostly to move the bin-type structure , but with parts of the verb not a verb-object structure , but due to the error and so on , and other reasons caused the verb , so the more special and representative .

  30. 动宾动词+宾语结构及现象探略

    An analysis of V-object verb + object construction and phenomenon