
lián dònɡ jù
  • serial-verb construction
  1. 对连动句的考察,主要集中在四类连动句中:(1)V1和V2表示先后动作的;

    The sentences with two verbs in this paper included : ( 1 ) V1 and V2 indicating the time order of action ;

  2. 连动句在汉语句型系统中占有特殊的位置。

    Serial verbal construction takes a particular part in the Chinese sentence pattern system .

  3. 连动句的界定标准及其与同形结构的区别。三、连动句的分类。

    The definition of the serial-verb-sentence and its difference with other structures of the same form . 3 .

  4. 连动句在现代汉语中很普遍,也是其中一种特殊的句式。

    Sentences with serial verbs are common in the modem Chinese , which is a special kind of sentence .

  5. 其次,举例分析了连动句中主语角色的复杂性,即可以为施事论元、受事论元或施受同体论元。

    Secondly , this thesis takes examples to analyze the complicacy of subject which can serve as agentive argument , object argument , and both .

  6. 句法平面上,连动句和紧缩句都可以分为前后两个部分,但是二者前后两部分的关系是不相同的。

    In around the syntax plane , the gearing sentence and the contraction sentence may divide into two parts , but around the two two parts of relations are not same .

  7. 谓语由两个(或两个以上)的动词或动词词组组成,并属于同一个主语,这样的句子叫连动句。

    A sentence in which two ( or more ) verbs or verbal constructions are used as the predicate of the same subject is called a sentence with verbal constructions in series .

  8. 从动词和名词即主语和谓语之间的语义结构关系来看,连动句可以分为施事主语连动句、受事主语连动句和施受同体主语连动句。

    Looking from the verb and the noun are between the subject and the predicate semantics structural relation , the gearing sentence may divide into the agent subject gearing sentence , the object subject gearing sentence and executes the consubstantiality subject gearing sentence .

  9. 在文章的结论部分,作者就学界的一些众说纷纭的讨论提出了自己的看法,认为兼语句、连动句等等这些特殊的结构中也毫无疑问地存在从缺现象。

    In the conclusion part , the author put forward her own opinion about the controversial disputes in the present research world , pointing out the actual existence of omission phenomena in such special structures as " jian yu ju " and " lian dong ju " .

  10. 由连动结构组成的连动句,因意义的复杂性和结构的特殊性而成为现代汉语语法研究的焦点之一。

    The serial-verb-sentence has long been the focus of modern Chinese grammar study because of its complex meaning and special structure .