
wù lì
  • material resources;matériel
物力 [wù lì]
  • [material resources;material] 可供使用的全部物资

  • 物力必屈。--汉. 贾谊《论积贮疏》

  • 身以外之物力。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

  • 物力资源

物力[wù lì]
  1. 同时还可以为企业在开发CAPP系统时的知识获取中节省大量的人力、物力和财力。

    Meanwhile , the idea may help enterprises save a large number of manpower , material resources and financial capacity .

  2. 为使渔港管理部门在进行渔港初步评估时节省人力、物力,对渔港评估指标体系进行简化,应用BP神经网络进行渔港评估。

    For the fishing ports primary evaluation by manager and conductor can save manpower and material resources , the paper simplifies the index system of the fishing ports and evaluates the fishing port by BP neural network .

  3. 那里的旱灾正在耗尽美国的财力物力。

    The drought there is stretching American resources

  4. 现在政府在中国电影产业上投资了大量的人力物力,力求让中国电影“走出去”。而这些高水准的影视作品自然而然也会吸引国际上的影视公司与中国演员或公司签约,进行出国巡演。

    The government now spends a lot of money and effort on promoting Chinese productions abroad , and these high-quality productions will naturally attract agencies to book actors and companies to tour abroad .

  5. 计算机辅助设计(CAD)不仅大量节省人力、物力,提高效率,而且提高产品的质量、可靠性。

    CAD technology can not only save manpower , but also can improve the efficiency and the quality .

  6. 对于那些采用了跨平台技术开发的WEB服务软件,从理论上说向Linux平台移植应该没有问题,但是在集成到Linux平台上之前巨大的兼容性测试和局部修改工作量将要耗费大量的人力物力。

    Those web service software introduced with cross-platform technologies , theoretically speaking , can be migrated to Linux with no difficulty .

  7. 然而,CAT的最初成本高,需要花费大量的人力、物力去编写CAT程序。

    However , the initial costs of CAT are high , Considerable financial and human resources are needed to staff and organize a CAT program .

  8. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库软件自主开发了一套用户管理系统,用于有线电视用户的管理,节约了大量的人力、物力,使有线电视管理工作更加规范化、科学化。

    Using Visual FoxPro database develop a customer management system . It can save a lot of manpower and resources and make customer-management normalization and be scientifically .

  9. 由于互联网信息的不断丰富,很多Web应用往往不能迅速跟进大量信息衍生及业务模式变革的脚步,常常需要花费许多时间、人力和物力来处理信息的更新和维护工作。

    Many web applications can not follow the pace of the increasing information and changing business model , a lot of time , manpower and material resources has to be spent on the information updating and maintenance work .

  10. 该Fluent软件功能强大、通用性较强,不但可以为工程设计服务,亦可为科学研究所用,同时也可以取得很好的预测效果,并可以节省人力、物力和财力。

    The Fluent software has great functions and good predicting purpose , and it can be applied for projects and scientific research with less investment .

  11. 定标场运行管理软件系统的开发实现了对星载SAR的定标工作管理,提高了定标执行效率,节省了大量人力物力。

    The emergence of the Calibration Management System not only realizes the management of the spaceborne SAR calibration , but also enhances the efficiency and saves material and human resources .

  12. 因此,ABL系统也是美国投入大量人力、物力优先发展的弹道导弹防御武器系统。

    However , ABL is also a system that USA invests plenty of manpower and material to give priority to its development .

  13. 采用本文方法预测S-N曲线可以大量减少疲劳试验,节省人力、物力和时间。

    Adopting the method in this dissertation to obtain S-N curve can reduce fatigue experiments and helpful in gaining economic efficiency .

  14. 采用CAD软件对零件的机构进行设计,再用CAE软件对零件进行各种复杂的有限元分析,可以大大减少人力、物力和财力的消耗,并缩短设计周期。

    Generally , Using CAD software for mechanism design , CAE software for the finite element analysis , can greatly reduce human , material and financial resources consumption , and short the design cycle .

  15. 目前CRM局方测试为人工测试方式,因CRM实现功能点多,流程复杂,纯手工测试需要耗费大量人力物力。

    The CRM is currently testing for the manual tests , multi-function point due to CRM implementation , process complexity , pure manual testing takes a lot of human and material resources .

  16. 研究结论主要有:a.中小企业是处于创业和成长阶段,规模较小,人力、财力、物力相对薄弱的企业。

    Main research conclusion includes : a. SMEs are enterprises that are in the phase of venture and growing , with relative small size and weak manpower , financial , and material resources .

  17. 在土木、建筑等工程领域的数值计算中,VC++和MATLAB的混合编程可以充分发挥各自的优势,提高计算效率,节省大量的人力物力。

    In the field of civil engineering and architecture engineering etc , active programming with VC + + and MATLAB can make the most of respective advantages , improve computational efficiency and save a lot of human and material resources .

  18. 但是基于WiFi的定位算法需要在离线训练阶段采集大量的指纹数据作为训练数据,这会耗费大量的人力物力。

    WiFi-based positioning algorithm needs to collect fingerprint data in the offline training phase as training data , which will be a lot of labor power and money .

  19. Lule说,诸如博茨瓦纳等中等收入国家在应对艾滋病过程中投入了大量财力、物力和人力。

    Middle-income countries such as Botswana have invested considerable amounts in their response to AIDS , says Lule .

  20. 目前,国内外关于无机纳米颗粒SiO2,Al2O3杂化PI薄膜的研究大多采用实验方法,需要大量人力和物力,研究成本高。

    At present , experimental methods have been mostly used to study film of inorganic nanoparticle Al2O3 and SiO2 hybrid PI at home and abroad , which needs a lot of manpower and material resource , and investigative cost is high .

  21. 基于MATLAB实现了主成分分析法和聚类分析法对研究区17个监测点的分类,可以选取其中具有代表性的点进行长期监测,大量减少了人力物力。

    Based on the MATLAB software , it realized the classifications of 17 test points in the studied area by the principal components analytic method and the cluster analytic method . It may select the representative spots to carry on the long-term monitor and reduces the manpower and resources massively .

  22. 传统的ISA总线,传输速率低,而且不支持热插拔,已经逐渐被淘汰;PCI总线虽然传输速率很高,但是开发相对复杂,需要投入的人力物力较多,开发周期长。

    The traditional ISA bus transmits the data slowly , and not holds out inserting and pulling out heatedly , so it is abandoned gradually . Though PCI bus transmits the data quickly , it is developed complexly , and needs more manpower and material resources .

  23. 在不增加额外人力物力支出的情况下,结合ISS或TRISS法,这种转换规则可被用来对创伤患者进行快速的创伤严重度评分。

    Together with ISS or trauma score injury severity score methods , the converting rule can be used to evaluate the severity of trauma patients more easily and rapidly conditioned that no extra expense increases .

  24. AHDL语言由于其易学易用的特点,适合数字电路工程设计,这样可以大大节省时间和人力物力。

    Because of its qualities of easy learning and use , AHDL is appropriate to the design of digital circuit engineering , so a lot of time and manpower can be saved .

  25. 公交OD量是公交调度管理及线网优化的基础,传统的获取公交OD量的方法需要进行大范围的个人出行情况调查,消耗大量人力物力,且数据更新缓慢。

    Public transportation OD matrix is fundamental to public transportation dispatch and network optimization . Traditional approach to collection of pubic transportation OD matrix needs a lot of personal trip surveys , which will expend a lot of manpower and material resources and renovate data by inches .

  26. 实践证明,BGP设备管理系统的使用给设备管理工作带来了极大的方便,科学高效,节约了大量人力、物力成本,使BGP设备管理工作迈上了崭新的台阶,提高了设备管理水平。

    Proved by fact , The usage of system brings convenience and shortcut in the management work , saves lots of manpower and material resources . It promotes the level of equipment management , and causes to reach a new height in equipment management work of BGP .

  27. 通过分析认为,RDB方法具有比选方案多,优化速度快,能直接与数字地形模型连接,大量节约人力、物力等优点。

    It is opined through analysis that the RDB method has the advantages of multitudinous alternative schemes for comparison and selection , rapid optimization speed , direct connection with the strip numerical contour model and saving of large amount of manpower and material resources .

  28. 这种方法效率低,花费大量的人力与物力。

    This method needs a lot of material resources and manpower .

  29. 大量人力物力和财力的投入。

    A lot of labor forces and financial forces are inputted .

  30. 我们也发现了一个独特的东部维度,孔子物力论;

    We also found one uniquely Eastern dimension , Confucian Dynamism ;