
  • 网络species pool;Species Banks
  1. 公园、学校校园植物的总种数都占城区五环内植物总种数的50%以上,是城区植物的物种库。

    There were more than 50 % of urban plants could be found in parks and schoolyards , which was a species pool in Beijing built area .

  2. 土壤种子库是植物群落的潜在物种库。

    Soil seed bank represents a pool of potential species for a plant community .

  3. 生态位限制和物种库限制对湖滨湿地植物群落分布格局的影响

    Plant distribution in freshwater lakeshore : relative importance of species pool limitation vs. niche limitation

  4. 人们把湿地称为地球之肾、天然水库和天然物种库。

    People call wetland as ' The Kidney of The Earth ', Natural Reservoir and Natural Species Bank .

  5. 南澳岛的次生林群落是该岛乡土树种物种库的主要承载者,这些次生林对整个岛屿的物种库和生态系统多样性的形成和维持具有重要的作用。

    The secondary forests are the carriers of the pool of species and are very important for sustaining the biodiversity in the Island .

  6. 四个物种DNA库的扩增结果表明,随着亲缘关系由近变远,物种间的相似率依次减小,由56.1%下降到22.3%。

    Amplification of DNA pools from four species revealed the similarities among them decreased from 56.1 % to 22.3 % , as ancestral relationships became more distant , indicating that genome variation increased .

  7. 域内动植物资源丰富,自然风光绮丽,是云南典型的“动物王国”和“物种基因库”。

    The resources of the intra-area animals and plants are abundant , the natural scenery is beautiful , is Yunnan typical " animal 's kingdom " With " species gene pool " .

  8. 湿地被誉为地球之肾,生命的摇篮,物种基因库和文明的发源地等,足见其对全球生态系统的重要性。

    Wetland is praised as " the kidney of the earth ", " the cradle of life "," the storeroom of species gene "," the birthplace of civilization " etc * , it fully reflects the importance of wetland to global ecological system .

  9. 相比之下,犹如所料,入侵性较弱的外来物种的武器库至少在某些本土物种那里也存在。

    The more benign aliens , by contrast , were predicted to have arsenals also found in at least some native species .

  10. 本文对北京东灵山地区的辽东栎林主要优势乔木物种的幼苗库结构与动态进行了研究,同时考察了多个生物与非生物环境因子对于幼苗库的影响。

    In this paper , seedling bank structure and dynamics of the main dominant tree species in Beijing Dongling oak forest has been studied .

  11. 云南木兰科植物物种资源及其种质库的研究

    Studies on the resources and gene pool bases of the Magnoliaceous plants in Yunnan Province