
  • 网络Property Management Regulations;free cost;Building Management Ordinance
  1. 2003年6月,国务院出台了全国性的《物业管理条例》,对区分所有物业的管理进行了明确的规范。

    2003 , the State Council issued the Property Management Regulations .

  2. 《广东省物业管理条例》的不完善之处及改进意见

    Improving Comments on Guangdong Province Property Management Regulations

  3. 我国《物业管理条例》将业主委员会界定为业主大会的执行机构。

    " Owners committee " is defined as the executive body of owners mass meeting .

  4. 我国《物业管理条例》于2003年9月1日开始施行。

    The Regulations on Property Management in China became effective on September 1 , 2003 .

  5. 为了完善业主大会制度,还应该细化《物业管理条例》相关规定。

    The Property Management Statute shall be detailed in order to perfect the house-owner convention system .

  6. 笔者在2001年3月,曾负责了《长春市城市住宅区物业管理条例》审议批准的具体工作,由此对物业管理的发展状况很关注。

    The author was responsible for the approval of Changchun City Urban Housing Area Property Management Regulation in March 2001 ;

  7. 《物业管理条例》的理念偏差与制度缺陷论乡镇政府制度创新的理念与切入点

    The Conceptual Deviations and Systematic Defects of the Regulations on Realty Management Institutional Innovation of Township Government : Concept and Breakthrough Point

  8. 2003年5月28日,国务院颁布了《物业管理条例》,基本确立了业主自治制度。

    On May 28,2003 , the State Council issued The Property Management Regulations , which basically sets up the owner self-ruling system .

  9. 两岸地区《物业管理条例》及《公寓大厦管理条例》若干问题比较研究

    Comparison and Study on Legal Issues of Cross-Strait " Law of Property Management " and " Law of Rules of Apartment House "

  10. 虽然我国早在2003年就已经颁布了《物业管理条例》,但似乎由于各种因素的作用物业管理方面的法律纠纷无法从根本上得到解决。

    Although China has issued the Regulations of Real Estate Management in 2003 , the conflicts can not be solved radically owing to various factors .

  11. 而对于业主委员会的法律地位和性质,《物业管理条例》的定性十分模糊,业主委员会的法律地位尚不明确。

    For the legal status and the nature of the owners ' committee ," Property Management Regulations " qualitatively very vague , unclear legal status of the owners ' committee .

  12. 对于业主委员的法律地位,《物权法》、《物业管理条例》以及2009年出台的两部司法解释都采取了模糊的态度,这已导致了诸多的不便宜。

    Real right law , realty management regulation and the two judicial interpretations which are issued in 2009 take vague attitudes to the legal status of proprietors ' committee . It has led to a lot of trouble .

  13. 2003年6月8日国务院公布《物业管理条例》,它的颁布标志着我国的物业管理的发展和保护人民群众的住房消费权益已经纳入了法制化的轨道。

    On June 8th . 2003 , the State Council promulgated Management Statute > , which marks the legalization on the development of property management and the protection of the people 's rights and interests in housing consumption in our country .

  14. 目前只有国务院在2003年9月1日起施行的《物业管理条例》和一些分散的地方性立法,但这些法律法规囿于立法层次和经验等方面的原因,尚不能令人满意。

    However , the government has not made a standard law in this field , and at present there are only real estate management regulations carried out by the Nation Department on September 1st in 2003 as well as some local regulations .

  15. 《物业管理条例》确立了一系列重要的物业管理制度,对业主及业主大会、前期物业管理、物业管理服务、物业的使用与维护等方面作了明确规定,并明确了相应的法律责任。

    The Regulations Governing Property Management founds a series of important property management systems , and makes clear stipulations for property owners and their representative bodies , initial property management , property management services , usage and maintenance of property , etc , and states their corresponding lawful liabilities .

  16. 本文首先概述了我市物业管理的基本现状,阐述了《天津市物业管理条例》颁布实施的重大意义和制度创新,并对物业企业、维修资金等情况分别进行了量化统计分析。

    This paper provides an overview of our property management the basic present situation ," Tianjin City Property Management Ordinance " promulgated and implemented the significance and system innovation , and to the property company , repair funds are quantitative statistical analysis .

  17. 物业管理合同是物业管理法律关系的核心,也是《物业管理条例》的重要内容。

    The contract of real estate management is not only the core of the legal relations of real estate management , but the important part of Regulations on Real Estate Management .