
  • Non forest land;【林】non-forestry land
  1. 林地鹅观草R.城市林地与非林地大气SO2季节动态变化

    Seasonal change in atmospheric SO_2 concentration in forested and non-forested urban lands

  2. 非林地森林资源的调查统计与管理问题探讨

    Discussion on Inventory and Management of Forest Resources in Non-Forest Land

  3. 提出非林地森林资源的概念,设计了调查统计方法。

    Discussion on image visual judgement method for forest resource situation investigation ;

  4. 休耕林是林地和非林地的中间阶段。

    Forest fallow is an intermediate class Between forest and non-forest land uses .

  5. 人工林的最小距离指数低于天然林和非林地;

    The nearest neighbor index of plantation was lower than that of natural forest and non-forestland .

  6. 研究地区总体林地斑块规模要大于非林地景观要素的斑块规模,但斑块形状的变异较大。

    As a whole , the patch size of woodland was bigger than that of nonforest land and the patch shape had a very high variance .

  7. 在无居民点的13、14、15林班,森林斑块的分离度小于非林地、宜林地,分离度最大的是未成林。

    For No. 13,14,15 compartments without human disturbance , the isolation degree of forest land was lower than nonforest land , suitable forest land , while that of afforestation was the lowest .

  8. 1998~2004年,贵州省黔东南州林地资源大量流失和有林地大量逆转的情况十分严重,有6725.34hm2的有林地因改变用途或占用征用转为非林地,林地资源管理工作面临着严峻的考验。

    As a great deal of woodland resource lost and forested land of deteriorated severely from 1998-2004 . , of which 6 725.34 hm ~ 2 was changed into non-forested land owing to use alteration or expropriation & occupation , woodland resource management was facing the rigorous challenge .

  9. 并且有些转基因林地与非转基因林地间的土壤微生物数量也存在显著差异,但是否是由外源基因造成的影响还需要深入研究。

    Significant differences were also found in some lines between transgenic and non-transgenic stands , which need to be studied further whether foreign genes have any effects .

  10. 与此同时,非有林地总面积增加且分布范围扩大。(2)从景观生态学角度对1958年和1999年两期景观格局的空间特征进行了定量分析,确定了各种景观类型的转移概率。

    At the same time non-forest land area turns wide and distributing range enlarges . ( 2 ) From the landscaping and ecology angle , characters of two periods of landscape pattern are quantificationally analyzed in 1958 and 1999 ; all kinds of styles of landscape change ratio are confirmed .