
  1. 森林资源开发利用的优化模型研究

    Study of the Optimized Model of the Forest Resources Exploitation

  2. 黑龙江省森工对俄森林资源开发利用的现状及几点建议

    Current Situation and Suggestions & Exploiting of Russian Forest Resource by Heilongjiang Forest Industry System

  3. 未来中俄两国在森林资源开发利用方面将呈现好的发展态势,并提出了政府和企业在扩大对俄森林资源合作开发方面的对策与建议。

    The author puts forward some development countermeasures and suggestions on Sino-Russia 's forest resource cooperation for our government and businesses .

  4. 我国森林资源可持续开发利用的环境经济学对策

    Environment economy countermeasures for the sustainable utilization of forest resources

  5. 黑龙江省森林旅游资源开发利用研究

    Research on Forest Recreation Resource Exploitation in HeilongJiang Province

  6. 我国天然食品添加剂森林植物资源的开发利用

    Natural Food Additive Development and Utilization of Forestry Plant Resource

  7. 围场县森林植物资源及其开发利用浅议

    Resources of forest plants and their development in Weichang County

  8. 我国森林食品资源及其开发利用现状

    Resources and Current Situations of Exploitation and Utilization of Forest Foodstuff in China

  9. 而我国木材的进口规模和水平、以及能否实现以可持续发展为基础的林产品贸易不仅与世界森林资源的开发与利用息息相关,而且与全球的生态承受力紧密相连。

    Our import scale , volume and forest trade on the basis of sustainable development will be closely connected with both the development and the utilization of the World forest and global environment loading capacity .

  10. 浅析森林蔬菜资源的开发与利用

    Study on exploitation and utilization of forest vegetable resources

  11. 丰宁县森林食品资源现状及开发利用前景

    Present situation of forest food resources in Fengning County and their utilization prospect

  12. 发达国家森林资源分布特点和开发利用现状

    A Study on Distributional Features and Exploitation of the Forest Resources in the Developed Countries

  13. 福州北峰森林景观资源评价及其开发利用研究

    Study on Evaluation and Exploitation of Forest Landscape Resources in North Peak of Fuzhou City

  14. 随着城市化进程的加剧和人们休闲保健意识的增强,森林保健旅游资源的开发利用已日益成为旅游开发中的热点。

    With the process of urbanization and people 's taking more care of health in their leisure time , the use of forestry healthcare resources has become a hot spot .

  15. 长期以来,由于对森林资源的不合理开发利用,以及在造林上重视短周期速生林的发展,导致珍稀名贵树种资源越来越少,有些已面临濒危,更谈不上满足社会需求。

    Because of long-term irrational utilization of forest resources and afforestation focus on short-term and fast-growing forest , those precious tree species are in scarcity , even some in danger , let alone meeting the demands of society .

  16. 它是关于森林旅游资源开发的可行性论证,可以为森林旅游资源以后的开发利用起到一定的指导作用。

    It is feasible demonstration about the development , and will provide the guidance for the later development of forest tourism resources .

  17. 森林景观资源是森林旅游的基础,森林景观资源区划与调查则是森林景观资源开发利用的前提条件。

    Abstract The forest landscape resources is the basis of the forest traveling , the forest landscape sources division and the investigation are the prerequisite terms of the forest landscape resources development and utilization .

  18. 本文通过对森林法与经济法关系的剖析,用经济法中的方法对森林资源保护和开发利用中的经济法律关系、法律责任等进行了探讨,有利于规范引导人的行为。

    Through analysing the relationship between the law of forest and the economic law , this paper intents to apply the methods of the economic law to inquire into the law relations and the law responsibilities in the forest resource sustainable development for guiding the actions of people .