
  • 【生态】ecological disaster
  1. 这是一场在世界其他地方都没有出现过的生态灾难。

    It 's an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world .

  2. 科学家把咸海描述成地球上最严重的生态灾难发生地。

    Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth

  3. 出现生态灾难的部分原因是人们为了增产而不惜一切代价。

    The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production .

  4. 驱动美国梦的汽车帮助制造了一场全球生态灾难。

    The cars that drove the American Dream have helped to create a global ecological disaster .

  5. 黑死病是人类历史上众多瘟疫中危害很大的瘟疫之一,它是中世纪历史上的一次惨重的生态灾难

    The Black Death is one the most serious pestilences in history .

  6. 这个地区已经宣布为生态灾难区。

    The region has been declared an ecological disaster zone .

  7. 现在清楚的是,bp不仅在钻井平台爆炸前冒了不必要的风险,对接下来的生态灾难也毫无准备。

    It is now clear that BP not only took needless risks before the rig explosion , but was unprepared for the environmental disaster that followed .

  8. 人性被常见的政治和生态灾难(包括韦德在开篇的旁白中提到的“带宽暴动”)摧残,大部分人都在一个叫“绿洲”(Oasis)的数字天堂里寻求慰藉。

    Humanity has been ravaged by the usual political and ecological disasters ( among them " bandwidth riots " referred to in Wade 's introductory voice-over ) , and most people seek refuge in a digital paradise called the Oasis .

  9. Sharma说,尼泊尔正处于一场可能的生态灾难的前沿,它必须在减少贫困及发展滞后与保护环境方面实现平衡。

    Nepal , at the frontline of a potential ecological disaster , must strike the right balance between reducing poverty and underdevelopment , and preserving the environment , argues Sharma .

  10. .意大利环境官员警告泄漏入波河的石油会导致生态灾难。

    Officials Warn of Ecological Disaster Caused by Oil Spill in Italy

  11. 将导致史上最严重的生态灾难

    we 're going to have one of the worst ecological disasters

  12. 无序开采:砂岛面临生态灾难

    Illegal Mining :" Sand Island " Is Facing Ecological Hazard

  13. 生态灾难的发生与人类社会没有正确处理人与自然的关系有着密切的关系。

    Ecology disasters have a close relationship with human beings ' behavior .

  14. 技术统治与生态灾难:试析反乌托邦生态小说《羚羊与秧鸡》

    Technocracy and Eco-disaster : an Analysis of Dystopian Eco-novel Oryx and Crake ;

  15. 雅典当地官员称这次大火是一次生态灾难。

    The greater Athens local governor has called the fire an ecological disaster .

  16. 三峡工程并未造成生态灾难

    No Ecological Disaster Caused by the Three Gorges Project

  17. 生态灾难增多,生态建设跟不上生态破坏的力度和速度。

    The rate or ecological destruction is faster than that of ecological construction .

  18. 灾难片可以分为自然灾难片、生态灾难片和科技灾难片。

    They can be divided into natural , ecological and technological disaster film .

  19. 这次地震已经造成了生态灾难。

    The earthquake has caused an ecological disaster .

  20. 西班牙政府称他们的决定避免了对它的海岸线造成更大的生态灾难。

    Spain said the decision avoided a much worse environmental disaster along its coats .

  21. 他们是一个前所未有的生态灾难仍然冲刺的一部分。

    They were part of a dash for the remains of an unprecedented ecological disaster .

  22. 论生态灾难的人文控制

    On the Social Control of Ecology Disasters

  23. 介绍黑死病对欧洲政治、经济的破坏和冲击第三部分,黑死病这一生态灾难带来了人口毁灭,也引起了中世纪欧洲社会的经济、政治发生新的变化。

    Part 3 concentrates on changes happened in European politic and economy after the pestilence .

  24. 要创造有史以来最糟的生态灾难的效果,需要的是未来技术。

    It took futuristic technology to achieve one of the worst ecological disasters on record .

  25. 他十分严肃地阐述世界是怎样处于生态灾难的边缘。

    He explained in all earnestness how the world was on the brink of ecological disaster .

  26. 随着石油泄漏的程度逐渐明了,对生态灾难的担忧与日俱增。

    Fears of an ecological disaster are rising as the extent of the spill becomes known .

  27. 将导致史上最严重的生态灾难。

    we 're going to have one of the worst ecological disasters this planet has ever seen .

  28. 这些毁灭性的生态灾难使我们从小天体撞击灾害与大规模绝灭的相关性中看到它们的因果关系。

    The devastating ecological disaster makes us see the causal relationship between NEOimpacts and mass extinctionsfrom their correlation .

  29. 物种灭亡将导致生态灾难的观点绝不是夸大之辞。

    The view that species extinction will result in natural disasters is by no means a groundless exaggeration .

  30. 我国林业过去曾经实行过大砍大造的方针,导致全国范围的生态灾难和林区的经济困境。

    Past monoculture forestry in China has contributed to countrywide ecological disasters and economic difficulties in forestry regions .