
shēnɡ ɡǔ jié
  • sclerotome
  1. 移植后29~32h,靠近神经管的DC体节向中壁破裂,外迁的间充质细胞在生肌节与神经管和脊索之间,形成生骨节(即原位生骨节)。

    After 29-32 h of grafting , the medial wall of DC somite was broken down and migrating mesenchymal cells moved toward notochord and formed sclerotome ( the sclerotome in situ ) between myotomes and neural tube as well as notochord .

  2. 原位背根神经节只位于每个生骨节的前半个,其数量和排列完全依赖于原位生骨节。

    So did the dorsal root ganglia in situ as the sclerotome in situ .

  3. 生骨节的致密区向头端发展,形成软骨盘和纤维环的原基。

    The compact area of unripe condyle carries development to the head , form cartilage dish with fiber annulus former base .