
  • 网络reproductive stage
  1. 不同处理耕层土壤速效氮含量营养阶段均高于生殖阶段,速效磷含量则相反。

    The content of available nitrogen in plough layer at the vegetative stage is higher than that at the reproductive stage , but opposite for available phosphorus .

  2. 接种后198h左右虫体开始进入配子生殖阶段。

    Development of gametes began at about 198 h after infection .

  3. 配子生殖阶段的发生时间是180~252小时。

    The gametogony appeared between 180 to 252 hours .

  4. 被子植物体细胞进入一个生殖阶段,而且其行为象胚。

    Somatic cells of angiosperms enter a regenerative phase and behave like embryos .

  5. 针阔混交林各生殖阶段的生殖配置分别为0.6%,3.29%,15.14%;

    In the theropencedrymion , 0.6 % , 3.29 % and 15.14 % respectively .

  6. 拔节后较长的生殖阶段可以增加子粒数;

    At stem elongation , longer duration for reproductive stages enhanced the number of grain .

  7. 林缘旷地各生殖阶段的生殖配置分别为0.76%,3.78%,18.44%。

    In the forest edge wilderness , 0.76 % , 3.78 % and 18.44 % respectively .

  8. 大豆生殖阶段油分形成与环境关系及提高油分含量途径的研究Ⅰ.光照条件与油分积累的关系研究初报

    Relationship between Oil Formation and Environment on Soybean Reproduction Stage and Study on the Way to Increase Oil Content ⅰ . Preliminary Study on Relationship between Light Condition and Oil Accumulation

  9. 研究结果为腹腔镜在不同生殖阶段繁殖器官形态变化的动态研究中的潜在作用提供了证据支持。

    The results provided the support as an evidence of the potential of laparoscopy for dynamic investigation of the changes occurring in the morphology of the reproductive organs at different reproductive stages .

  10. 在温室条件下研究了刈割高度(3,6,10,14,18,24cm)对生殖阶段黑麦草与营养阶段高羊茅的草丛分蘖结构的影响。

    Response of tillers composition in defoliated swards of perennial ryegrass at the reproductive growth stage , and of tall fescue at the vegetative growth stage was studied to cutting heights of 3,6,10,14,18,24 cm .

  11. 花芽分化是果树由营养生长阶段向生殖阶段的转折,它是果树生命周期中至关重要的生命现象之一。

    Flower bud differentiation is the transition from the vegetative growth stage to the reproductive phase , and essential to the life cycle of fruit trees , which is one of the phenomenas of life .

  12. 生殖生长阶段,随着株龄的增加,香蕉N,P,K,S的含量均有规律下降,Mg含量增大,Ca含量较稳定。

    Mg content increases , Ca content is relatively steady .

  13. 小麦在生殖生长阶段的Pb吸收量大于营养生长阶段;

    The amount of Pb uptake in wheat in reproductive growth stages was more than in vegetation growth stages .

  14. 除R1-R2期外,株型不影响其它生殖生长阶段长度。

    Rainy season 1992 and 1993 . Plant type did ont affect reproductive phase intervals except R1-R2 period .

  15. 随着植株从营养到生殖生长阶段,POD总酶带数仍然为79条,EST总酶带数由65条减少到61条,酶带在不同迁移率发生缺失现象及酶活性方面有变化。

    The total EST band number decreased to 61 from 65 as the growth of plants from vegetative stage to reproductive stage ; the total POD bands kept unchangeable at 79 , whereas the deletion under different mobilities and enzymatic activity got changed .

  16. 故对BMPs及其受体的分子克隆和不同组织表达进行研究,以期确定BMPs及其受体在牛不同生殖发育阶段所起的作用,并从基因角度上阐明不孕或多胎产生的机制。

    So , the study on molecule clone and expression of the BMPs , GDFs and their receptors in different organizations is to make sure the reproductive function of BMPs and their receptors in different reproductive stages , and to clarify the sterility or fetal mechanism from gene angle .

  17. 那里面生长着生菜。在其余的生殖生长阶段

    It 's got lettuce growing in it . at remainder of the reproductive stage

  18. 所有生殖生长阶段长度的遗传力都较高(>0.74)。

    Heritability estimates for all the reproductive phase intervals were relatively high ( 0.74 ) .

  19. 在生殖生长阶段,植株对水分胁迫非常敏感;

    During the generative growth phase , summer maize was very sensitive to water stress .

  20. 在其余的生殖生长阶段

    At remainder of the reproductive stage

  21. 将温室作物整个生长季节分为营养生长阶段和生殖生长阶段。

    The whole crop cultivation season was divided into two periods , namely vegetative stage to reproductive stage .

  22. 换言之,水稻生长最适温度在营养生长阶段高,而生殖生长阶段低。

    In other words , the optimum temperature for rice growth was high at vegetative stage and low at reproductive stage .

  23. 苗期低温诱导处理,根系的生长受到抑制,尤其12叶后表现明显,烟苗没有根系的快速生长阶段,根系体积和鲜重远远小于对照,使生殖发育阶段提前到来。

    Induced by low temperature at seedling stage , the growth of tobacco roots was inhibited especially after the 12th leaf .

  24. 在营养和生殖生长阶段旱稻茎含磷量和磷素累积量随水分胁迫程度加深而降低。

    However , as the water stress increases , the phosphorus accumulation of root decreases at vegetative stage and reproductive stage .

  25. 结果表明:适时晚播缩短了大豆的营养生长阶段,而对生殖生长阶段的影响较小。

    The results showed that ; feasible late sowing reduced nutritive growth period and there was little effect on reproductive growth period .

  26. 当植株从营养生长阶段过渡到生殖生长阶段时,其阳离子浓度、叶绿素含量、根和叶的脯氨酸含量均呈明显变化。

    Cationic nutrient concentrations , chlorophyll content , root and leaf proline content critically changed when plants switched from vegetative to reproductive growth .

  27. 韩国等温带国家从营养生长到生殖生长阶段温度的改变似乎有利于水稻获得高产。

    The change of temperature from vegetative stage to ripening stage in temperate country like Korea seemed very favorable in obtaining a high yield .

  28. 但传统方法较高的吸氮高峰在营养生长阶段,而改良方法的却在生殖生长阶段。

    The higher peak is at the vegetative growth stage by traditional method , but it is at the reproductive stage by modified one .

  29. 采用比较生理学的方法,对甜菜细胞质雄性不育系及其保持系生殖生长阶段的某些生理特性进行了研究。

    This thesis studied some physiological property on reproductive growth phase of CMS line and maintainer line of sugarbeet adopting the method of comparative physiology .

  30. 深根水稻植株从深层土壤中吸收更多养分、保护植株在生殖生长阶段不倒伏。

    Deep rooting of rice plant made easy to absorb more nutrients from deep soil layers , and protected the plant from lodging at reproductive stage .