
fù dān
  • burden;bear;load;charge;encumbrance;shoulder;excess luggage
负担 [fù dān]
  • (1) [charge]∶费用,开支

  • (2) [burden;encumbrance]∶承受的责任

  • 家庭负担

  • 精神负担

  • [bear;shoulder] 承当 [责任、工作、费用等]

  • 全家开支由他一人负担

  • 她在公司里负担全部抄写工作

负担[fù dān]
  1. 政府将负担这些孤儿的教育费用。

    The government will bear the expenses of these orphans'education .

  2. 9.广告及费用AdvertisingandExpenses乙方负担本协议有效期内在新加坡销售代理商品做广告宣传的一切费用,并向甲方提交所用于广告的声像资料,供甲方事先核准。

    Party A shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity in connection with the commodity in question in Singapore within the validity of this agreement , and shall submit to Party A all audio and video materials intended for advertising for prior approval .

  3. 这些措施将减轻小型企业的纳税负担。

    The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses .

  4. 这个制度给很多人增加了额外的经济负担。

    This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people .

  5. 基本款式的定价大多数人都完全负担得起。

    The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people .

  6. 债务成了我难以摆脱的负担。

    My debts are a millstone around my neck .

  7. 增税肯定会加重穷人的负担。

    The tax increases will certainly hit the poor .

  8. 我们精打细算一点,就能够负担这次旅行。

    If we budget carefully we 'll be able to afford the trip .

  9. 她怎么可能负担得起呢?

    How on earth can she afford that ?

  10. 我已经告诉过你——我们负担不起,不再说了!

    I 've already told you ─ we can 't afford it , full stop !

  11. 我们并不是一文不名,但我们负担不起那样的房子。

    We aren 't too badly off but we can 't afford a house like that .

  12. 要是我算对了的话,我应该负担得起这笔租金。

    If I 've got my sums right , I should be able to afford the rent .

  13. 那个合同结果成了他的一个负担。

    That contract proved to be a millstone around his neck .

  14. 高血压会给心脏增加额外的负担。

    High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart .

  15. 珍妮收了一个房客,以减轻按揭的负担。

    Jennie took in a lodger to help with the mortgage .

  16. 人们能负担得起的幼儿园教育是一项基本的社会福利。

    An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity .

  17. 他的商业帝国无力承担沉重的债务负担而垮掉了。

    His business empire collapsed under a massive burden of debt

  18. 一个收入为34,895美元的人能负担得起这笔贷款。

    Someone with an income of $ 34,895 can afford this loan .

  19. 财政负担将被更加平均地分担。

    The financial burden will be more evenly shared .

  20. 我不觉得这是负担;我觉得它是一种责任。

    I wouldn 't call it a burden ; I call it a responsibility

  21. 此举可提高安全性,而不会给消费者和经济增加过多的负担。

    This will achieve greater security without unduly burdening the consumers or the economy

  22. 家庭和工作的双重负担耗费了他的时间。

    Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time

  23. 建议购买能负担得起的最贵的镜头。

    A good tip is to buy the most expensive lens you can afford .

  24. 部长已经说服银行减轻外债负担。

    The minister has persuaded the banks to lighten the burden of the foreign debt

  25. 和别人分享这个秘密可以减轻自己的负担。

    In sharing this secret you lighten your burden

  26. 吃得太饱会加重消化系统的负担。

    Large meals overload the digestive system .

  27. 我们负担不起那些费用。

    We can 't absorb those costs .

  28. 这项服务应该面向所有人,不管他们是否负担得起。

    This service should be available to everybody , irrespective of whether they can afford it .

  29. 如果你有抚养孩子的责任,可以请他人帮忙以减轻负担。

    If you are responsible for children , lighten the load by asking others to help .

  30. 一些人很可能再也负担不起保险了。

    There is a real danger that some people will no longer be able to afford insurance