
fù shǔ
  • opossum;Didelphis lanigera;didelphid
负鼠[fù shǔ]
  1. 鸭嘴兽的Ⅰ型毛角蛋白和IRS角蛋白基因GC含量都远高于负鼠的。

    The type ⅰ hair keratin and IRS keratin genes of the platypus are much higher than the GC content of opossum .

  2. 德国莱比锡动物园一只名叫海蒂的小负鼠是“对眼儿”而成为新兴网络明星,它在facebook上拥有6.5万名“粉丝”。

    A cross-eyed opossum called Heidi , who is being housed in Leipzig Zoo of Germany , has already become a new net star , and attracted more than 65000 fans on Facebook .

  3. 独立厂牌“胖负鼠”(FatPossum)为了满足公司自己的需要,今年在孟菲斯开设了一家新厂,他们拥有9台机器。

    Fat Possum , another indie label , also started a new plant in Memphis this year to meet its own demand , with nine machines .

  4. 莱比锡动物园发表一项声明称:Heidi,我们的斗鸡眼负鼠已经于今日早上永远地闭上了双眼。

    Leipzig Zoo released a statement saying : Heidi , our cross-eyed opossum , has closed her eyes forever today .

  5. 在2010年下半年照片曝光后,这只被称为Heidi的母负鼠成为德国媒体竞相追逐的对象,并且在Facebook上吸引了33万粉丝。

    The female opossum , called Heidi , became a German media sensation after her picture was published in late 2010 and had more than 330,000 fans on Facebook .

  6. 词典中也收录了一些美国独有的新词汇,如skunk(臭鼬),opossum(负鼠),hickory(山核桃),squash(南瓜)和chowder(杂烩)。

    It also documented new words that were uniquely American such as skunk , opossum , hickory , squash and chowder .

  7. 它的妹妹Naira同样是斗鸡眼,但动物园的另外一只雄性负鼠Teddy却没有跟它们一样成为斗鸡眼。

    Her sister , named Naira , is also cross-eyed but the zoo 's third opossum , a male called Teddy , lacks their distinctive looks .

  8. 目前仍不清楚这只负鼠是怎么闯进卡什酒水店的。

    It 's still unclear how the animale broke into Cash 's.

  9. 他们是我弟弟负鼠、负鼠、负�

    These are my brothers . Possum , possum , possum .

  10. 我比其他小负鼠稍微大一点

    I was a little bigger than the other possum kids .

  11. 恶,这是那个一直和负鼠混在一起的怪小孩.

    Gross , it 's that weirdo that chills with possums .

  12. 负鼠是欧洲第一种为人所知的有袋动物。

    The opossum became the first marsupial to be known in europe .

  13. 她爱当负鼠我不管

    I don 't care if she thinks she 's a possum .

  14. 一只负鼠,用那双尖锐的眼睛,凝视着它的巢穴。

    A possum , eyes shiny-bright , peered out of its nest .

  15. 食蚁兽、豪猪、负鼠、犰狳则一路向北。

    Anteaters , porcupines , opossums and armadillos moved north .

  16. 难怪负鼠男生对我都没兴趣。

    Now I understand why the possum boys didn 't find me appealing .

  17. 德国斗鸡眼负鼠将现身奥斯卡。

    Cross-eyed opossum to join the Academy Awards Ceremony .

  18. 对负鼠来说勇敢表示笨

    To a possum , bravery is just dumb .

  19. 负鼠是由澳洲引入的宠物。

    Possums were brought from Australia as pets .

  20. 哇,妈,你撞到了一只负鼠。哦。天啊。

    Whoa , Mom ! You hit a possum . Oh , my goodness .

  21. 负鼠是一种类似老鼠的大动物。

    The opossum is a large rat-like creature .

  22. 今天早上醒来我还是负鼠。

    This morning I woke up a possum .

  23. 这是负鼠的骨头。

    Here is the one of the opossum .

  24. 帕玛森说,生活在高海拔地区的树负鼠境遇尤其危险。

    Parmesan says tree possums that reside in high elevations are particularly in danger .

  25. 早上起床我还是负鼠…现在变成长毛象了

    This morning I woke up a possum and now I 'm a mammoth .

  26. 把你的愤怒当成那只负鼠。

    Let your anger be that opossum .

  27. 当那些露营者离开时,负鼠想念他们并且急切等待新的队伍。

    When the campers leave , the possums miss them and eagerly await a new group .

  28. 你一定有负鼠的血统。

    You must be part possum .

  29. 就像你的负鼠死的时候。

    Like when your opossum died .

  30. 佛罗里达州的一只负鼠在庆祝感恩节时喝了太多的波旁威士忌,现已恢复。

    A Florida opossum has recovered after having one too many sips of bourbon while celebrating Thanksgiving .