
  • 网络responsible tourism
  1. 负责任旅游与生态旅游、自然旅游、可持续旅游、大众旅游、替代旅游有关联,但有区别。

    With its own characteristics , the responsible tourism is associated with other fashions of traveling , including ecotourism , nature tourism , sustainable tourism , mass tourism , and alternative tourism .

  2. 负责任旅游一经提出便在游客、旅游组织和企业中产生了一定的反响。

    Tourism organization , institutions and enterprises make a timely response the responsible tourism .

  3. 为了最大程度地消除旅游活动的负面影响,扩大其积极作用,要求人们采用一种新型的旅游方式&负责任旅游。

    In order to minimize the negative impact of the tourist activities and maximize the positive impact , a brand new traveling style has come into being-responsible travel and tourism .

  4. 生态旅游也以“负责任的旅游”而闻名。

    Eco-tourism is also known as " responsible tourism " .

  5. 创建绿色饭店,引领健康、环保、负责任的旅游消费时尚,显然是一条可行之路。

    Obviously , to establish green hotels is the best and only choice .

  6. 这确实是地球面临的真正威胁,而不是负责任的旅游业,虽然这在政治上令人不安。旅游业可以通过鼓励和支持环境保护,从而推动环境保护的发展。

    And this is surely – even if discomfiting politically – the real threat to the planet , not responsible tourism , which can benefit the environment by encouraging and supporting its protection .

  7. 它作为一种对环境负责任的旅游方式,实现了经济、环境、社会三大效益的和谐发展而呈现综合效益最大化,是实现旅游可持续发展的最佳方式。

    As a mode of tourism , which is responsible for environment , it can realize the harmonious development among economy , society and environment , and brings the maximum compositive benefits . It is the best mode to realize the sustainable tourism .

  8. 本文认为生态旅游是以自然生态、历史人文旅游资源为取向,涉及旅游六要素的负责任的旅游活动。

    Slogan the eco-tourism brand " Linqu mountains and waters is where aura lies in " . It is believed eco-tourism is responsible tourism based on the natural ecology , history and culture-oriented tourism resources , involving the various aspects of tourism six elements .