
  • 网络Protection planning;conservation planning
  1. 本文以长汀历史文化名城保护规划的编制过程为实例,主要探讨地理信息系统(GIS)与遥感(RS)技术在保护规划过程中的空间信息整合与应用。

    The utility of GIS and RS technology in the integration and application of spatial information during the process of conservation planning is discussed in this paper with Changting as the case .

  2. 西安城墙内侧历史地段保护规划研究

    Study on Conservation Planning of Historical Districts Inside the City Wall

  3. 国家制定的环境保护规划必须纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,国家采取有利于环境保护的经济、技术政策和措施,使环境保护工作同经济建设和社会发展相协调。

    The plans for environmental protection formulated by the state must be incorporated into the national economic and social development plans ; the state shall adopt economic and technological the work of environmental protection with economic construction and social development .

  4. GIS技术在历史街区保护规划中的应用研究

    Studies on the Application of the GIS Technology to the Preservation Planning for Historic Blocks

  5. 基于GIS与RS的城市生态单元制图与保护规划研究

    Research on Urban Biotope Mapping and Protection Plan Based on GIS and RS

  6. 基于GIS的历史建筑环境敏感区保护规划初探

    The exploration of the protective planning for the sensitive areas of the historical architectural environment based on GIS

  7. 500kV输电线路继电保护规划设计的几点意见

    Some opinions on the planning design of 500 kV transmission line relaying protection

  8. 以苏州市古城32号街坊规划成果数据为基础,论述了运用GIS技术进行旧城改造与保护规划信息系统开发方法及其在规划管理中的分析应用。

    This Paper , which was based on the planning result data of No. 32 street of old cities in Suzhou City , expounded the development method of the transformation planning and preservation planning information system of old cities management of planning .

  9. 北戴河近代建筑保护规划研究

    The Study on the Preservation Planning of Neoteric Buildings in Beidaihe

  10. 环境保护规划与武汉的城市生态建设

    Discussion on Environmental Protection Planning and Ecological Construction in Wuhan City

  11. 环境保护规划在建设项目环境管理中的作用

    Function of Environmental Protection Planning in Environment Management of Construction Project

  12. CPPIS县级基本农田保护规划信息系统的开发研制

    Study on the development of cultivated land protection planning information system

  13. 七台河市绿地系统植物多样性保护规划研究

    Studies on Plant Diversity Protection Plan of Greenland Systerm in Qitaihe

  14. 白鹤梁题刻保护规划总体方案

    Comprehensive plan for protection planning project of White Crane Ridge Inscription

  15. 系统保护规划和不可代替性分析在区域规划中的应用

    Applications of systematic conservation planning and irreplaceability analysis to regional planning

  16. 城市历史地区保护规划的几个要点

    Key Points on Urban Historic Area ′ s Conservation Planning

  17. 城市脆弱生态系统保护规划以及城市社会区分析。

    Conservation plan for urban fragility ecosystem ; and urban community analysis .

  18. 海河两岸综合开发改造环境保护规划对策

    Countermeasure of Haihe River Bank Comprehensive Development Program and Environment Protection Program

  19. 上海青浦老城区保护规划策略

    Planning Policy for the Protection of Qingpu Old City Zone in Shanghai

  20. 历史文化村镇保护规划研究

    Study on the conservation planning of historic towns and villages

  21. 杭州留下历史街区保护规划研究

    Study on the conservation planning of Hangzhou Liuxia historic district

  22. 编制厦门市无居民海岛开发保护规划;

    Making a plan about non-resident island in Xiamen City ;

  23. 大遗址、遗迹动态保护规划初探

    On the Dynamic Conservation Programming in Great Ruins and Traces

  24. 北京旧城保护规划几个原则问题的探讨&从巴黎旧城规划谈起

    Problems of Principle in the Preservation Planning of Old City of Beijing

  25. 传统集镇保护规划与单体建筑更新实践

    Practice in Conservation Planning and Rejuvenation Building of the Tradition Market Town

  26. 和田河流域水资源保护规划研究

    Study on Water Resources Protection Planning of Hotan River Basin

  27. 大遗址保护规划中基础文物信息采集与管理方法初探

    Basic informatin acquisition and management for protection planning of large cultural relics

  28. 武汉居住区的能源利用与环境保护规划

    Energy use and environmental planning for dwelling region in Wuhan

  29. 绍兴历史街区的保护规划与实施

    The protection planning and implement of Shaoxing History Street Block

  30. 论南京自然地形与古都风貌保护规划

    Nanjing 's geographical condition and preservation of its ancient landscape