
  • 网络Baoshan;BSD;PAOSHAN
保山 [bǎo shān]
  • (1) [guarantor]∶保人,担保人

  • 现有刘大爷做保山

  • (2) [go-between]∶媒人

  • 求你作个保山如何

  1. 在云南省保山市石灰岩红壤地区进行了历时4年的蓝桉幼林N、P、K不同配比的10种处理施肥试验。

    10 fertilization tests of different match and ratio of N , P , K were conducted on young Eucalyptus globulus plantation in limestone red soil in Baoshan city for 4 years .

  2. VLAN技术在校园网中的应用&以保山师专为例

    Brief Analysis VLAN Technology and Application in Campus Net & Take Baoshan Teachers ' College for example

  3. 在川西-滇西北-保山地区、云贵交界-昆明-思茅地区以及海原-祁连、汾渭和东昆仑等活动块体边界带的Q0值明显较低,这些地区地震和构造活动相对活跃;

    Q_0 is low in the active tectonic regions having many faults , such as the Haiyuan-Qilian , Fenhe-Weihe , East Kunlun zones , Western Sichuan-Northwestern Yunnan-Baoshan area and joint of Yunnan and Guizhou-Kunming-Simao area .

  4. 对云南保山潞江坝蔬菜纹枯病标本上分离到的立枯丝核菌进行培养形态观察和融合反应,从茴香上分离到的5个菌株为多核丝核菌AG-4群;

    The study was made by morphological observation and the blending reaction with the strains of Rhizoctonia solani from the vegetables in Nujiang-ba , Baoshan . From the result of above tests , optimal reaction solution was obtained .

  5. 生物成因天然气及未成熟、低成熟油是保山盆地主要的油气资源成熟度参数指示Sunniland原油和油源岩属未成熟至低成熟。

    The research leads to the recognition that the distribution of hydrocarbon forming source rocks is limited and the biogenic natural gas and immature low mature oil are the main oil and gas resources in the Baoshan basin .

  6. 保山市农村能源现状与沼气发展研究

    The Findings Report of Rural Energy and Biogas Development in Baoshan

  7. 保山市农田生态系统养分循环与平衡研究

    Nutrient Cycling and Balance of Agro-ecosystem in Baoshan , Yunnan Province

  8. 2008年保山市疟疾流行及防治分析

    Epidemic and Control Situation of Malaria in Baoshan City in 2008

  9. 保山市云杉定量间伐研究初报

    A Preliminary Study of Quantitative Thinning of Picea asperata in Baoshan

  10. 保山市隆阳区农村沼气发展思路

    Speculations on Rural Biogas Development in Longyang District of Baoshan City

  11. 保山镇康地块成矿条件及典型矿床成矿模式

    The metallogenetic conditions and typical model in Baoshan - zhenkang massif

  12. 保山地区银杏栽培品种早实性初报

    Early Maturing Properties of Ginkgo biloba Varieties Cultivated in Baoshan Prefecture

  13. 保山市大气监测点位模糊聚类优化

    Indistinct Collecting and Optimization of Air Monitoring Places in Baoshan City

  14. 云南温泉高温菌的研究Ⅲ保山县摆洛塘温泉中的极端嗜热细菌

    Study on the thermophiles in hot springs of Yunnan ⅲ

  15. 云南保山-昌宁地区铀矿找矿前景浅析

    Preliminary analysis on prospecting potential of uranium in Baoshan-Changning , Yunnan province

  16. 云南保山市2005年疟疾疫情分析

    Analysis of malaria situation in Baoshan City of Yunnan Province in 2005

  17. 保山地区土地合理利用的探讨

    Discussion on Rational Use of Land Resources of Baoshan Prefecture

  18. 农业是保山的基础性产业,又是弱势产业。

    Agriculture is both the basic and the weak industry in Baoshan .

  19. 保山市桉树主要病虫害种类调查

    An Investigation on Main Species of Pest of Eucalyptus in Baoshan District

  20. 大理-保山高速公路边坡与桥梁变形分析

    The deformation analysis of slope and bridge in Dali-Baoshan expressway

  21. 论保山地区晚古生代大地构造位置

    On the Tectonic Position of the Baoshan Region during Late Palaeozoic Period

  22. 保山市生态环境特点与水稻品种选育应用

    Ecological characteristics of Baoshan and variety breeding in rice

  23. 建设社会主义新农村时期加强农村思想政治工作的探讨&以保山市为例

    Ideological , Political Work in Constructing New Socialist Village

  24. 滇西保山地区的石炭系

    The Carboniferous of the Baoshan region , W. Yunnan

  25. 1959~2001年保山市隆阳区降水时序特征初步分析

    Preliminary study on the serial characteristics of annual precipitation in Baoshan Longyang region

  26. 并就保山地区采集文化的保护与采集活动的管理进行了探讨。

    Some suggestions on collection culture protection and collection activity management were proposed .

  27. 滇西抗战期间保山进步文化运动初探

    Tentative Research in progressive culture of Baoshan During the Anti - Japanese war

  28. 保山市林产业开发研究

    Study on Development of Forest Industry of Baoshan City

  29. 云南特提斯带保山-腾冲地块早古生代岩浆岩

    Early Paleozoic Magmatism in Baoshan-Tengchong Block of the Tethyan Belt , Yunnan Province

  30. 1993年首次在保山地区暴发流行。

    It broke out in the rural areas of Baoshan in 1993 first time .