
  • 网络CHAD;Lake Chad;Chad Lake
  1. 人道主义办公室表示,乍得湖流域以区的暴力入侵不断增加境内流离失所者的数量以及对人道主义援助的需求。

    The humanitarian office says violent incursions in the Lake Chad Basin region continue to increase internal displacements and the need for humanitarian assistance .

  2. 缺水可能毁坏农作物,增加水传播和水相关疾病的发病率,并且破坏水生生态系统(乍得湖的缩小是一个著名的例子)。

    Water shortages can ruin crops , increase the incidence of water-borne and water-related diseases , and damage aquatic ecosystems ( the shrinking of Lake Chad being a prime example ) .

  3. 关于开发乍得湖流域的公约和规约;

    Convention and statute relating to the development of the Chad basin ;

  4. 关于开发乍得湖流域的公约和规约&推动扶贫开发领域的国际交流与合作。

    Convention and Statute relating to the Development of the Chad Basin & Promoting international exchange and cooperation in development-oriented poverty relief .