
  • 网络insurance compensation;insurance claims;insurance indemnity;insurance benefit;Insurance Reimbursement
  1. 专营汽车前后大镜维修及保险赔偿服务。

    Specialist in Car Windscreen Replacement and Insurance Claims Service .

  2. 反过来,多头投资者购买债券支付的本金将留作拨备,用于在债券池出现违约时支付保险赔偿金。

    In return , the long investors ' principal payments for the bonds are set aside to cover insurance claims in the event of a default .

  3. 我敢肯定,窃贼们一定是等着我领到了保险赔偿金,然后回来再次把我洗劫一空。

    I 'm sure the burglars waited until my insurance claim was through and came back to clean me out again

  4. 由于这部分按揭贷款质量欠佳,美国联邦住房管理局(FHA)已不得不为此支付保险赔偿金。

    Because the mortgages were weak , the FHA has been forced to honor insurance policies on the loans .

  5. AlanBowers和妻子Lori希望拿到一小笔保险赔偿来帮助支付明年的账单。

    Alan Bowers and his wife , Lori , are hoping for a small insurance settlement to help them pay their bills until next year .

  6. 去年,当Airbnb把保险赔偿费从5万英镑(刚够赔偿伦敦某些豪宅中的一只花瓶)猛增至100万英镑后,到Airbnb网招租的豪宅数大幅飚升。

    Prime Airbnb listings surged last year when the firm hiked its insurance policy from 50000 - about enough to cover a vase in some London homes - to 1m .

  7. 诺丁汉居民因室内盗窃而提出保险赔偿的机率是Endsleigh保险公司全国平均水平的两倍之多。

    Residents in Nottingham were more than twice as likely to claim for household theft than insurer Endsleigh 's national average .

  8. 但是,你买的保险赔偿足够的钱代替它呀。

    Well , your insurance covers sufficient money to replace it .

  9. 我们正要求根据保险赔偿丢失的行李。

    We 're claiming for the lost luggage on our insurance .

  10. 你就可以用保险赔偿金还付房租了!

    You can use the insurance money to pay your rent !

  11. 洪灾损失与保险赔偿的关系探讨

    Discussion on the Relationship between Flood Loss and Insurance Compensation

  12. 这是重复保险赔偿的基本原则。

    This is the basic principle that repeats insurance compensation .

  13. 建立广东省汽车保险赔偿基金的可行性研究

    A Feasible Study on Establishment of Guang Dong Province Motor Insurance Fund

  14. 损失理算人已对这项保险赔偿要求作出独立的报告。

    The loss adjuster has produced an independent report on the claim .

  15. 告诉他谁让我们失去保险赔偿。

    Now teii him who IET our insurance iapse .

  16. 其次,分析了劳动法调整下的工伤保险赔偿制度。

    Secondly , to analyze the industrial insurance compensation system under labor laws .

  17. 工伤事故保险赔偿与民事侵权损害赔偿的适用关系

    The Industrial Accident Insurance Indemnification and Civil Case Infringement Indemnity Apply a Relation

  18. 当旱灾来临的时候,他们也提供保险赔偿

    but they 're also providing for insurance when the droughts do come .

  19. 我要记录保险赔偿金,准备银行押金,将收到的付款分类等。

    I recorded premium payments , prepared bank deposits , and sorted payables .

  20. 我肯定这个家伙,正在申请火灾保险赔偿。

    I 'll bet this guy is filing for his fire-insurance claims right now .

  21. 海上保险赔偿原则的法律解析

    On Principle of Indemnity of Marine Insurance Law

  22. 她的房子被盗后,她要求领取保险赔偿金。

    After her house was burgled , she made a claim on her insurance .

  23. 火灾过后,他们能用那笔保险赔偿金重建自己的房子。

    After the fire , they were able to rebulid their house with the insurance .

  24. 这种保险赔偿工作期间受到的伤害。

    The insurance covers you if you are injured in the course of your employment .

  25. 我们可以在哪提出保险赔偿?

    Where can we make thainsurance claim ?

  26. 我想我能得到一定的保险赔偿金。

    Figured I 'd collect some insurance .

  27. 由于现行工伤保险赔偿中对工伤人员的康复没有完整的体系。

    There is no integral system in current employment injury insurance about compensating injury personnel .

  28. 用你亡妻的保险赔偿金。

    With your dead wife 's policy .

  29. 侵权损害赔偿的数额与工伤保险赔偿的数额差距逐渐增大。

    The differences between the Industrial Injury Insurance and the Personal Injury Compensation increase gradually .

  30. 这样能得到双倍的保险赔偿!

    The insurance 'll pay double !