
  • 网络construction project;construction item;Construction Program
  1. 基于平衡综合评价法的建筑施工项目团队绩效评价

    The Performance Appraisal of Construction Program Team Based on Balanced-Comprehensive Method

  2. 公路施工项目部对工程成本控制浅探

    On the exploration of road construction program department for the project cost control

  3. 推行项目经理负责制是施工项目管理的内在依据。

    Executing the responsibilities of project manager is the key of project management .

  4. 施工项目结构分解(WBS)方法及准则研究

    Construction Project Structure Breakdown ( WBS ) Method and Breakdown Criterions

  5. 工作分解结构(WBS)在施工项目管理计划阶段中的应用

    The application of work breakdown structure in management plan of building item

  6. 基于计算机技术及WBS方法的大型施工项目的集成管理

    Integrated Management Based on Computer and WBS Method Project

  7. 针对目前施工项目管理的现状,利用当今的计算机技术,提出利用Microsoftproject对建筑施工项目进行管理,在实际工程中具有一定的指导意义。

    The article based on the present project management , male use of the present computer technique , present Microsoft Project software in construct project management , and received the guidance in practice .

  8. 针对铁路施工项目的特点和施工管理技术发展的需要,建立基于GIS技术的铁路工程施工可视化管理系统。

    According to the characteristic of railway project and the demand of the development of construction management technology , Visualized Management System for railway project construction based on GIS was built .

  9. 该技术可加速提升VR技术在建筑施工项目中的应用及其程度,实现建筑施工全程虚拟和决策优化。

    This technology can promote the application of VR in the construction , realizing the whole process virtualization and decision-making optimization of the construction .

  10. 关于工程施工项目成本控制的方法和原理,专家和学者多有论述,仁者见仁智者见智,如价值链分析法、量本利分析法、价值工程法、ABC分类法等。

    There are more expositions on the principles and methods of cost control in construction projects , such as value chain analytical method , value project method and ABC taxonomy .

  11. 在描述了QD城市快速路工程施工项目的基本概况的基础上,论文总结了城市快速路工程施工项目具有综合性强、目标要求高、不可预见因素多等特点。

    In describing the QD urban expressway construction project on the basis of the basic profiles , the thesis summarizes the urban expressway construction project with comprehensive , objective demanding , more so on unforeseen factors .

  12. 优化施工项目管理加强项目成本控制

    Optimizing the Construction Project Management and Strengthening the Construction Cost Control

  13. 当前加强施工项目成本管理的对策研究

    Current Strengthens the Construction Project Cost Management the Countermeasure to Grind

  14. 建筑施工项目安全控制的计划实施及动态管理

    Implementation and dynamic management of safety control program of construction project

  15. 施工项目管理可靠性及控制标准的研究

    The Research of Reliability and Control Standard in Construction Project Management

  16. 浅谈我国施工项目成本核算

    Talking about the Cost Accounting of Our Country 's Construction Project

  17. 搞好施工项目管理提高企业核心竞争力

    Do well in management of constructive increase core competition of enterprises

  18. 公路施工项目中机械设备管理技术初探

    The highway construction item inside machine equipments manages technique explore

  19. 对建筑施工项目人力资源管理系统的思考

    Assignment and Allocation Optimization of Human Resource in Construction Corporation Multi-Project Management

  20. 如何克服施工项目中质量通病

    On how to overcome the common quality problems in construction

  21. 投标中施工项目最低投标价的预测

    Forecast of the lowest price in bidding for construction projects

  22. 建筑施工项目进度、成本和质量目标的综合优化

    Comprehensive optimization of the time-cost-quality control objectives of construction projects

  23. 建筑施工项目成本管理体系及效应

    The cost management system of construction project and its effectiveness

  24. 双代号进度计划在施工项目管理中的应用

    Application of Dual Code Number Schedule Plan in Management of Construction Project

  25. 工程施工项目投标报价策略与技巧的探讨

    Tactics and techniques for bidding and quoting in construction projects

  26. 中小建筑企业的施工项目成本管理探讨

    On cost management of construction project in small and medium-sized construction enterprises

  27. 论施工项目管理与项目经理负责制

    Discusses construction project management and project manager preside system

  28. 建筑施工项目成本控制和管理

    Cost control and management in the building construction project

  29. 马尔科夫模型在施工项目成本预测中的应用

    The Application of Markov Model in Construction Cost Forecast

  30. 论如何加强施工项目的成本管理

    How to Strengthen the Item Cost Supervise in Construction