
  • 网络Environment threat;Environmental Threat
  1. 环境威胁跨越地区、国家、民族的界线,构成了一个最典型的全球性问题。

    The environment threat crosses over the boundaries of the region , nation , and race , constitutes the most typical global problem .

  2. 在这样的动态环境下企业只有建立起能有效降低环境威胁、快速响应并积极利用外部机会的柔性体系才能获取竞争优势。

    Only they establish the strategic flexible system that can effectively reduce the environment threat , response quickly and uses exterior opportunity positively under such turbulent environments to be able to gain the competitive advantage .

  3. 书架上摆满了有关环境威胁的书,不堪重负。

    Bookshelves groan under the burden of books on threats to the environment .

  4. 能够提供环境威胁证据的大多数科学家都有理由认为,环保团体不会放过这个问题。

    Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue

  5. 公司负责人DylanJones表示,公司的目标是解决矿山酸性排放所导致的环境威胁,并节省矿业公司的开支。

    Terra CEO Dylan Jones said the company aims to solve the environmental threat of acid rock drainage and save mining companies money .

  6. 驳中国生态环境威胁论

    To Refute an Argument of the Threat from Ecological Environment in China

  7. 环境威胁&电力故障、水资源破坏和污染等。

    Environmental threats-power failures , water damage , pollution , etc.

  8. 引信电子对抗环境威胁及其对策研究

    The Study on Fuze Strategy in the Presence of ECM Environmental Threat

  9. 物种大灭绝和不可恢复性是人类面临的最大环境威胁。

    The mass extinction is the greatest environmental threat that human is facing .

  10. 中国环境威胁论既没有理论基础也没有事实依据。

    The theory of Chinese environmental threat has no foundations of theory and fact .

  11. 近年来环境威胁的关注转向了气候变暖。

    In the recent years , the environmental threats attention turned to climate warming .

  12. 他说这些话的依据不是来自那些“环境威胁论”散布者,而是一帮美国将军。

    He took the analysis not from environmental scaremongers but from a group of American generals .

  13. 研究对环境威胁最大受试物的主要毒理学终点有致癌性、生殖发育毒性、神经毒性和免疫毒性。

    The toxicological endpoints of research include carcinogenicity , reproductive / developmental toxicity , neurotoxicity and immunotoxicity .

  14. 该选题在当前我国同时面临潜在的军事威胁和严重的环境威胁之时,尤显重要。

    The topic is exclusively important in the situation that China is faced with potential military and critical environmental threat .

  15. 此次会议突显各国在如何应对日益加剧的环境威胁方面分歧的严重程度。

    The meeting served to highlight the deep level of disagreement among nations on how to tackle the mounting environmental threat .

  16. 企业实施绿色管理是应对外部环境威胁、改善内部管理、提升竞争优势的重要途径。

    Green management was an important way to deal with external threats and improve their internal management to enhance the competitive advantage .

  17. 一旦铅进入土壤,就会存留很长时间,会成为环境威胁,尤其是对孩子。

    And once lead gets into the soil , it stays a long time . It remains an environmental threat especially to children .

  18. 佳纳妮•维韦卡南达指出,我们必须把注意力从广义的环境威胁,转移到地方区域性的直接环境安全问题。

    Now is the time to shift our focus from direct environmental impacts to broader threats at a local level , writes Janani Vivekananda .

  19. 让我们利用现行臭氧和气候条约中规定的治理工具,减少可持续发展和人类福祉面临的环境威胁。

    Let us use the governance tools contained in the existing ozone and climate treaties to reduce environmental threats to sustainable development and human well-being .

  20. 世界各地的农业生产都面临着日趋恶化的环境威胁,干旱和盐的威胁因其广泛性而首当其冲。

    Agricultural productivity worldwide is subject to increasing environmental constraints , particularly to drought and salinity due to their high magnitude of impact and wide distribution .

  21. 因此,可以看出,供应链虚拟整合行为产生的驱动因素包括环境威胁性和环境复杂性。

    Thus , it can be seen that the driving factors formed from the behavior of supply chain virtual integration include environmental threats and environmental complexity .

  22. 这还不算将额外产出的一部分投入在处理环境威胁上&不管是全球变暖还是其它问题。

    This is not to speak of devoting a margin of extra production to dealing with environmental threats , whether or not of a global warming variety .

  23. 北京可怕的雾霾和偶尔发生的沙尘暴为世人皆知,而一个重要的环境威胁却被大家忽略了:北京正在下沉。

    China 's capital is known for its horrendous smog and occasional sandstorms . Yet one of its major environmental threats lies underground : Beijing is sinking .

  24. 摘要水分胁迫是影响作物生产最为普遍的环境威胁,水分亏缺的诊断对农田灌溉和精确农业的发展具有重要意义。

    Water stress is the most popular environment menace that affects crop production , and diagnosis of water deficit is very important to the development of irrigation and precision agriculture .

  25. 尽管风景园林师不具备解决每一个环境威胁的技术和知识,但我们可以接受培训同其它专业人士进行合作,共同找出解决方案。

    While landscape architects do not have the skills and knowledge to solve every environmental threat , we are trained to contribute and collaborate with other professions to finding solutions .

  26. 面临全球性环境威胁和可持续发展的基本要求,在众多措施中,环境税不失为一种被理论和实践证明了的有效经济手段。

    Faced with the threat of the global environmental deterioration and the basic need of the sustainable development , environmental tax has been proved theoretically and practically an effective economic means .

  27. 该组织表示提倡并推广使用既能降低对人畜健康和环境威胁、又可避免过期农药残留的蝗虫防治方法。

    The FAO says it promotes methods in locust control to reduce risks to human and animal health and the environment and to avoid the creation of stocks of obsolete pesticides .

  28. 选择产量较大,应用广泛,其含有的有毒有害物质对环境威胁、破坏大,对人体健康损害大的产品及材料;

    Selecting the Products and materials having great output and extensive use , in which the hazardous substances contained have a big threat and destroying effects on the environment and human health .

  29. 另一方面,在主要关注国内因素的同时,本地利益相关者也可能希望转移并扩大视野,纳入因国家面临的地缘政治和环境威胁所引起的长期挑战。

    On the other hand local stakeholders , while focusing primarily on domestic concerns , may nevertheless wish to shift and broaden the perspective to include long-term challenges arising from geopolitical and environmental threats bearing on the country .

  30. 航天器在空间轨道飞行时会遭受多种空间环境威胁,其中由空间高能电子与航天器介质相互作用引起的介质深层充电效应是造成航天器电子设备运行异常或故障的重要原因。

    The spacecraft will suffer various threats from airspace and among these threats the deep dielectric charging and discharging effect caused by high energy electron radiation is an important reason for the abnormal operation or fault of the electronic equipment in spacecraft .