
  • 网络convergence;isomorphism;Homophily
  1. 网格与P2P的趋同性研究

    Research on the convergence between grid and peer-to-peer network

  2. 今年早些时候experian公司为金融服务公司liverpoolvictoria所做的一项调,显示出这种工作类型的趋同性对于模糊阶级界线所起的作用。

    A survey conducted earlier this year by Experian for Liverpool Victoria , a financial-services firm , shows how this convergence on similar types of work has blurred class boundaries .

  3. 他说在英国经济与其他欧洲国家的经济实现更大的趋同性之前,英国不会重新加入欧洲汇率机制。

    He said that Britain would not rejoin the ERM ' until there is much greater symmetry between our economy and other European economies . '

  4. 加入WTO后,我国必将受到国际金融市场趋同性的影响,而我广西大学硕士学位论文论衍生金融工具会计国在衍生金融工具会计方面的理论研究还有待加强。

    Entering WTO , we are to face a global financial market , while the theories on derivative financial instruments accounting in our country are still weak .

  5. 该方法充分利用了CAD系统建模的高层次表达的趋同性,避开底层数据的异构性,实现了异构CAD系统之间的数据交换。

    The method makes full use of CAD system modeling high-level expression convergence to avoid the heterogeneity of the bottom data , and achieves data exchange among heterogeneous CAD systems .

  6. 提出一种彩色目标高维检测和空间分集检测技术,它利用RGB颜色的均值趋同性校正色偏,减少光照强度和光源颜色对目标检测的影响;

    A technique with color target multidimensional detection and spatial clustering detection is proposed . Color deviation is corrected with convergence in mean of RGB color , thus the influence of light illuminance and light source color on target detection can be reduced .

  7. 趋同性:当代中国小说现象之扫描

    The Tendency to Similarity : The Scanning of Contemporary Chinese Novels

  8. 山东区域经济趋同性实证分析

    The Real Diagnosis Analysis on Regional Economic Same in Shandong

  9. 话语接受中语义联想的趋同性和差异性

    The Unanimity and Divergence of Semantic Association in Discourse Acceptance

  10. 相异文化的互相影响、互相渗透导致跨文化交流的趋同性。

    This result caused the fact of homoplasy in cross-cultural .

  11. 高校的趋同性正是合法性机制作用的结果。

    The convergent inclination in universities is the result of legality mechanism .

  12. 现代远程教育与传统教育的互补性与趋同性

    The complementary and similar features between modern distance education and traditional education

  13. 结论:1.健身俱乐部项目趋同性高。

    The fitness club project high convergence . 2 .

  14. 这一次,前所未有的并非趋同性,而在于规模。

    What is unprecedented this time is not convergence , but the scale .

  15. 监管做法的趋同性也不够。

    Convergence between supervisory practices has also been insufficient .

  16. 不过,苹果可能也会受到趋同性的威胁。

    Yet Apple could also be threatened by convergence .

  17. 碎磨产品粒度特性表达模式的趋同性

    Convergent Character of Expressing Mode of Size Characteristic of Crushing and Grinding Product

  18. 经济全球化也导致了文化的趋同性。

    Economic globalization has also led to cultural homogenization .

  19. 网络文化的全球趋同性与民族特性

    Global Assimilation and Ethnic Characteristics in Internet Culture

  20. 欧元区政府债务管理的趋同性研究

    Convergence of Government Debt Management in Euro Area

  21. 企业文化:趋同性与差异性

    Organizational Culture : the Differences and the Similarities

  22. 分析了中英爱情结构隐喻表达的趋同性;

    This paper analyzes the homogeneity of Chinese and English structural metaphors of love ;

  23. 现金结算与实物交割制度相比,能够使期货价格与现货价格更具有趋同性;

    There is more consistant between the futures price and actuals price on cash settlement .

  24. 家庭策略的趋同性已显而易见。

    Convergence of family strategies is apparent .

  25. 不同班级使用同一本语文教材,其教学内容应该有较高趋同性。

    Different classes use the same Chinese textbook , the teaching content should have high homoplasy .

  26. 本文在此基础上指出这一趋势在我国的发展过程中表现出了历史客观性、差异性与趋同性以及形式独特的特征。

    It has the characteristics of historical objectivity 、 particularity and inclining to common in China .

  27. 一位男性前投资银行家表示:最初进入金融服务行业时,人们就有一种趋同性。

    There is convergence among people who enter the financial services world in the first place .

  28. 现有的文献里,并没有对广西经济增长趋同性研究。

    In the existing research , there is no study on convergence of economic growth in Guangxi .

  29. 其体育消费动机体现出趋同性,各年龄段的侧重点不同;

    Crowd sport consumer motivation is consistency , the consumer motivation of the differ age stress difference ;

  30. 结果:两者的差异性呈现缩小趋势,特别在应用领域其趋同性日益突出。

    Results : Their differences are shrinking , and convergence is standing out , especially in application fields .