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  1. 多数经理人员,甚至包括成长性和趋势投资者以及市场指数决定者,也很少甚至根本就不注意价值评估规范。

    Most managers , including growth and momentum investors and market indexers , pay little or no attention to value criteria .

  2. 通过分析计算实验模拟得到的市场价格数据,发现模拟的价格数据可以呈现出与现实市场类似的典型化现象,而且这些典型事实的发生与趋势投资者的存在有关系。

    The simulated market price data based on this model can show the similar realistic market typical phenomenon . And the occurrence of the typical phenomenon may be related to the existence of momentum investors . Fundamental analysis and technical analysis are two most popular investment analysis methods .

  3. 单月数据反映不出宏观趋势,投资者十分了解这一点。

    One month does not make a trend and investors know as much .

  4. 他还预计将出现一种趋势:投资者把葡萄酒当作对冲工具,就像黄金一样。

    He also sees a trend towards investors looking at wine as a hedge , rather like gold .

  5. 这种国际多样化的趋势和投资者对全球主题策略的胃口,给各国的本土理财行业提出了一系列挑战。

    This trend towards international diversification and investor appetite for globally themed strategies poses a number of challenges for the respective local money management industries .

  6. 这些资金流出还增强了一个趋势:投资者或者将资金投入极其安全的现金品种(如货币市场基金),或者投入风险更大的市场和高收费产品(如对冲基金)。

    The outflows also accelerate a trend for investors to put their money either in ultra-safe cash options such as money market funds , or into riskier markets and high-fee products such as hedge funds .

  7. 这反映了鲁宾斯坦两周前在柏林强调的另一个趋势:一些投资者对私人股本集团的非居间化。

    This reflects another trend Mr Rubenstein highlighted in Berlin last week : the disintermediation of private equity groups by some investors .

  8. 研究发现股票价格与盈利管理的负相关性并不显著,但负相关程度有逐年增强的趋势,说明投资者会被上市公司盈利管理行为所误导。

    We concluded that the negative relationship between stock prices and earnings management is not ( significant ,) but the relationship degree is increasing , the listed companies can mislead investors by earnings management .

  9. 简短而言,无论是过去还是现在,答案都是否定的。中国股市的估值并未明显高于其长期趋势水平,投资者行为也不像市场见顶时那样激进。

    The short answer was , and remains , no. Valuations are not materially higher than their long-term trend and the behaviour of investors is not as aggressive as it tends to be at market tops .

  10. 长期以来我国股票市场由于缺乏做空工具,一直是只能做多不能做空的单向市场,当市场处于下行趋势中时投资者只能通过抛售手中的股票及时止损否则损失只能越来越大。

    Due to the lack of short tool Chinese stock market has long been one-way market , investors can only sell their stocks when the market is in a downward trend in time and loss can only growing .

  11. 德意志银行表示,这一趋势提供给投资者一个机会,让他们可以采用与欧元面世前那些流行策略相似的策略,即押注于各种高收益货币的利率将向地区平均水平趋同。

    Deutsche Bank says the trend offers investors the chance to use similar strategies to those popular in the run-up to the euro , by betting that interest rates for high-yielding currencies will converge to the regional average .

  12. 房价是市场态势的风向标,但影响房价的因素众多,对未来房价的趋势判断不仅投资者关注,房地产企业和政府都关注。

    The housing price is the vane of the market trend , there are many factors affect the housing price . Not only investors but also real estate companies and government pay attention to the trend of the future housing prices .

  13. 资本市场的逐步发展,是中国经济的重要潜在趋势之一,而投资者兴趣是其中的一部分。

    The investor interest is part of an important underlying trend in the Chinese economy - the gradual development of mainland capital markets .

  14. 这一趋势反映出,投资者认为称得上避风港的机遇减少,同时债券和股票等资产类别的回报率偏低。

    The trend reflects the lack of opportunities investors regard as havens and low returns for asset classes such as bonds and stocks .

  15. 随着国际金融一体化,主要国际股票市场呈现一起上涨或者一起下跌趋势,因此世界投资者十分关注股票市场的联动性。

    According to international finance globalization , Major international stock markets appear together rise or together down , so global investor attention to Co-Movement in stock market .

  16. 这一趋势反映出内地投资者的深度悲观情绪。中国内地的上证综合指数自四月中旬以来已经下跌近20%。

    The move reflects the deep pessimism among investors on the Chinese mainland , where the benchmark Shanghai Composite has tumbled almost 20 per cent since mid-April .

  17. 这种趋势,加上投资者推断石油价格会持续走高,都促使价格进一步攀升,随之滋生了市场中投资者更多的投机行为。

    This trend , combined with investor assumptions that oil prices will remain high , have helped boost prices further , which has in turn fed more investor speculation in the market .

  18. 过去几年,风险投资基金领域的一大趋势是大型机构投资者的钱越来越向少数风投经理、旗舰品牌和/或新兴的明星经理集中。

    The big story of the past few years in venture fund land has been that large institutional investors concentrate money with fewer managers and flagship brands and / or find emerging managers .

  19. 传统的投资评价主要以定性分析为主,其结果仅能反映某种趋势,很难为投资者提供准确、科学的决策信息。

    Traditional evaluation of investment mainly relies on analysis by determining the nature whose result can only reflect a certain tendency . So it is very difficult to provide accurate and scientific policy making information .

  20. 但由于股市规模有限、股市持续繁荣趋势不明显、投资者结构与投资收益分配格局不合理等因素的限制,中国股市的财富效应很不显著。

    But it is not obvious in Chinese stock market because of the restriction of such factors as limited stock market scale , obscure tendency of prosperity , unreasonable structure of investor and investment profit distribution .

  21. 我们可从西方发达国家资本市场的发展进程中发现这样一个明显的趋势,即个人投资者持股比例不断下降,机构投资者持股比例日益上升。

    We can see a clear trend from the development process of capital market in western developed countries , that is , the proportion of Individual investors has been declining ; On the contrary , the proportion of Institutional investors has been increasing .

  22. 最近几个月来,这些所谓破产求偿的交易出现了一些增加趋势,但随着投资者寻求从迄今针对雷曼提起的逾6000亿美元讨债请求中获利,交易活动预期将快速增长。

    In recent months there have been moves to increase trading of these so-called bankruptcy claims , but activity is expected to grow rapidly as investors seek to make money on the more than $ 600bn of claims so far filed against Lehman .

  23. 文章建立的依据运行趋势的关键区域预测法,包含了对量价关系、股市趋势性、投资者行为变化的综合应用,也必将丰富股市预测理论的发展。

    The methods forecast on key period by moving tendency , containing composite application of volume-price relation , stock tendency and investors ' behaviors change , will improve the progress of stock forecast theory .