
sī kǎo
  • think deeply;ponder over;reflect on;deliberate;think;think carefully;deeply through;think about;ponder;reason;cast around for;stew
思考 [sī kǎo]
  • [think;think carefully;deeply through;ponder over] 思索、考虑

  • 他思考事物的周密有如水银泻地,处理问题的敏捷有如电火行空。--郭沫若《洪波曲》

思考[sī kǎo]
  1. 同时引入接受理论进行深层的思考。

    Meanwhile , I adduce the accepting theory and think deeply .

  2. 关于提高学术期刊规范化程度的几点思考

    Think Deeply That About Improve Several of Learned Periodical Standardization Degree

  3. 经过审慎的思考,她决定还是接受他的提议。

    She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all .

  4. 这个决定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。

    The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought .

  5. 我反复思考过这个问题。

    I gave a lot of thought to the matter .

  6. 她曾经悉心思考她未来的计划。

    She has thought very hard about her future plans .

  7. 在处理环境问题上我们需要更协调的思考。

    We need more joined-up thinking in our approach to the environment .

  8. 她曾经对这个问题深深思考过。

    She had thought very deeply about this problem .

  9. 千万不要鼓励学生思考!

    Heaven forfend that students are encouraged to think !

  10. 我用了好些天苦苦思考是否接受这个工作。

    I spent days agonizing over whether to take the job or not .

  11. 好的教师鼓励独立思考。

    A good teacher encourages independence of thought .

  12. 我得迅速思考一番。

    I had to do some quick thinking .

  13. 结合具体的事物来思考要比抽象思考容易些。

    It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract .

  14. 没有什么比知道自己明天就可能会死去更能让人定下心来去思考种种问题的了。

    Nothing concentrates the mind better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow .

  15. 格雷格略微思考了一下才回答。

    Greg thought for a bit before answering .

  16. 他敏捷的思考救了她一命。

    His quick thinking saved her life .

  17. 动物会思考吗?

    Are animals able to think ?

  18. 学习拓展了我的思路,启发我去思考问题。

    Studying stretched my mind and got me thinking about things .

  19. 她闭了一会儿眼睛,努力思考着。

    She closed her eyes for a moment , trying to think

  20. 事业上的发展可能会引发你很多的思考。

    Developments in your career may give you food for thought .

  21. 醉酒影响记忆、思考、语言与协调性。

    Intoxication interferes with memory and thinking , speech and coordination .

  22. 那样的一次失败会令你警觉起来,开始思考。

    A defeat like that makes you sit up and think .

  23. 他需要的是征询别人的意见,而不是独自思考。

    He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone .

  24. 我太虚弱了,无法动弹,无法思考,也无法说话。

    I was too weak to move or think or speak

  25. 显然你需要更多时间来思考。

    It 's obvious that you need more time to think

  26. 当怒火转化为激情,她停止了思考。

    She ceased to think , as anger transmuted into passion

  27. 我开车回家,一路上思考着自己更为乏味的生活方式。

    I drove home contemplating my own more pedestrian lifestyle .

  28. 戴维斯先生的这番话值得大家停下来思考一下。

    It is worth pausing to consider these statements from Mr Davies .

  29. 你不必思考,跟着你的直觉走。

    You won 't have to think , just follow your nose .

  30. 她专心思考面临的一些实际问题。

    She kept her mind fixed on the practical problems which faced her .