
  • 网络jackmmen
  1. 最后,本论文介绍了思华宽带流媒体管理系统的设计与实现。

    Finally , the design and implement of the streaming management system will be introduced .

  2. 本论文以作者从事的项目思华宽带流媒体管理系统为背景,着重研究以基于Struts+Hibernate+Spring的轻量级架构在企业级信息系统中的应用。

    This article takes a project , " Onewave Streaming Management System ", as background , researching the application of the lightweight architecture which is based upon Struts and Hibernate and Spring technologies in enterprise information systems .

  3. 他低头看了看思嘉满面泪流,气也就渐渐消了,但依然板着面孔。

    He looked down into scarlett 's tear-stained face and some of the wrath faded but it was still hard and set .