
  1. 升级“升”什么?自贸协定升级除对原协定的原产地规则、海关程序与贸易便利化、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易等5个领域进行升级外,还新增电子商务、政府采购、竞争政策、环境与贸易等4个领域。

    The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .

  2. WTO后环境与贸易之间关系的协调发展

    Coordinate development of environment and trade after entering into WTO

  3. WTO框架下环境与贸易争端解决机制之司法化研究

    The Judicature of Settlement Mechanism for the Dispute of Environment and Trade under WTO Frame

  4. 发展中国家在环境与贸易问题上采取的防御立场,是使WTO多哈回合环境与贸易谈判进展缓慢的重要原因。

    The developing countries take the defensive position on the issue of trade and environment . This is the main reason why the issue of trade and environment can hardly move forward in WTO Doha round .

  5. WTO目前正在争论环境与贸易、劳工标准与贸易、竞争政策与贸易等新议题,未来将会对中国形成挑战。

    Now the World Trade Organization is scrimmaging the new point of the environment trade , the laborer standard trade , and the competition policy trade and the author thinks that the future will challenge the Chinese market .

  6. 随着环境与贸易议题在WTO框架中的发展,环境标准,尤其是产品的生产过程和生产方法标准(即PPMs标准)也逐步得到承认。

    With the development of issues of environment and trade in the WTO , the environmental standards , especially the standards of process and production methods ( PPMs ) were gradually recognized .

  7. 着重分析了中国加入WTO应遵循的环境与贸易政策取向,系统评价了WTO及其贸易协定可能对环境与贸易产生的积极作用和消极影响,提出了利用贸易手段加强环境保护的对策措施。

    The policy trends of environment and trade when China accedes to WTO were discussed , especially the possible impact of WTO , including negative and positive , and its trade agreement to environment and trade . The measures to strengthen environmental protection by trade means were suggested .

  8. 环境与贸易相互依存、相互作用。

    Environment and trade are related and relied with each other .

  9. 环境与贸易的冲突由来已久。

    The conflicts of the environment and trade are a long-standing problem .

  10. 贫困地区可持续发展问题研究&新疆“环境与贸易”问题对贫困地区的影响

    Study on the Sustainable Development in the Poor Area

  11. 环境与贸易关系问题研究

    Study on the Relationship between International Trade and Environment

  12. 环境与贸易冲突问题的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis on Confliction between Environment and Trade

  13. 在此背景下,对环境与贸易问题的研究备受瞩目。

    Under this background , study on environmental and trade issues becomes more important .

  14. 环境与贸易的关系是一个既具有理论深度也具有实践广度的问题。

    The relationship between trade and environment has both theoretical depth and practical significance .

  15. 目前关于环境与贸易的论述比较多,国际社会也比较关注。

    Nowadays , there are a lot of discussion about the relationship between environment and trade .

  16. 随着国际经济贸易的持续发展,环境与贸易问题越来越突出。

    The sustained development of international trade on one hand promotes the gross of global economy .

  17. 论绿色壁垒的性质&以环境与贸易的关系为视角

    The character of Green Barrier & From the angle of the connection between Environment and Trade

  18. 第五部分,中国的环境与贸易冲突及解决办法。

    It tries to find a way to solve the confliction between environment and trade in china .

  19. 在当今不断深入的全球化进程中,环境与贸易的争论由来已久。

    In the process of globalization today , environment and trade has a long history of controversy .

  20. 环境与贸易的联系日趋紧密,与环境有关的国际贸易争端将越来越多。

    Environment is close to trade day by day , more and more environment-related international trade disputes come about .

  21. 美国良好的投资环境与贸易壁垒形成了明显的区位优势;

    The favorable investment environment and the increased import barriers constitute the obvious location advantage of the United States .

  22. 环境与贸易冲突不断。实践是推动马克思主义不断向前发展的根本动力。

    Conflict between the environment and the trade is unceasing . It is practice that promotes the unceasing development of Marxism .

  23. 正确处理环境与贸易的关系对于保护环境资源、促进贸易发展具有十分重要的作用。

    It plays an essential part in environment protection and trade promotion to properly deal with the relationship between environment and trade .

  24. 环境与贸易的主要关系问题包括贸易活动本身与环境的关系问题,以及贸易规则与环境的关系问题。

    The relation of environment and trade includes the relation of trade activity and environment , and the relation of trade rule and environment .

  25. 反之,环境与贸易的不协调发展会导致环境的破坏和贸易的停滞。

    On the contrary , the two aspects would not harmoniously develop , even lead to enviroment be sabotaged and trade to be quitted .

  26. 环境与贸易之间复杂的关系,在现实中日益激化与显化为环境保护与自由贸易的矛盾。

    The complicated relationship between international trade and environment sharpened and it is displayed by the relationship between environment protection and free trade in reality .

  27. 争端解决机制通过一系列改革逐步提高了处理环境与贸易交叉问题的能力。遗传算法及其异位交叉问题的研究

    DSB improves its abilities in solving the problems in the overlapped area of environment and trade . Study of Genetic Algorithms with Different Location Mutations

  28. 现阶段,世界多边贸易体制在解决环境与贸易纠纷的问题上占有不可替代的重要地位,其系统而规范的规则体系和争端解决机制无疑为解决环境与贸易冲突提供了理想的平台。

    Nowadays , WTO , including its highly developed and authoritative rules and dispute settlement system , seems undoubtedly to be an appropriate forum to harmonize the confliction at issue .

  29. 国际社会对环境与贸易之间关系的关注,是以可持续发展为标志的发展观的变化以及由此引起的绿色浪潮为背景的。

    The deep concern on the relationship between environment and trade in the international community is showed at the background of the conception of sustainable development and its spin-off & green trade .

  30. 并在实证结论的基础上,提出了长三角16城市城市化、环境与贸易持续发展的政策建议,以期为政府决策提供政策依据。

    According to this empirical findings , we propose the policy recommendations of sustainable development of urbanization , environment and trade in Yangtze River Delta ( 16 cities ) to help the government decision-making .