
jù bǎo pén
  • cornucopia;treasure bowl;goldmine;a place rich in natural resources;a platter of plenty
聚宝盆 [jù bǎo pén]
  • [treasure bowl] 民间传说中装有金银珠宝而且取之不尽的盆儿,比喻资源丰富的地方

聚宝盆[jù bǎo pén]
  1. 昨日,光秃秃的山坡如今成了一个“聚宝盆”,里面有奇花异草、珍奇异树、珍贵药材。

    Yesterday , the denuded hillsides now become a " treasure bowl ", which are plants that and exotica tree , precious medicinal herbs .

  2. 勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。

    Diligence is a money-spinner , thrifty is the cornucopia .

  3. 当然,developerWorksSOA和Web服务专区提供了一个Web服务信息的聚宝盆。

    And , of course , the developerWorks SOA and Web services zone offers a treasure trove of Web services information .

  4. 要想在生活聚宝盆中获取真正的财富。

    To get a real cornucopia of life 's wealth .

  5. 专利是企业发展的聚宝盆

    Patent & A cornucopian for developing enterprises

  6. 这种影响力也使得苹果的股票成为了多头和空头交易的聚宝盆。

    This influence makes Apple a prized possession for both the longs and the shorts .

  7. 这是一个真正的聚宝盆!

    It 's a veritable cornucopia !

  8. 可以看出,利润丰厚的房地产行业已成为中国丰富的聚宝盆。

    Can be seen that the profit-rich real estate industry has become China 's rich cornucopia .

  9. 感恩节贺卡通常装饰着传统的感恩节符号如花圈,火鸡,聚宝盆,南瓜等。

    Thanksgiving Greeting Cards are usually adorned with traditional Thanksgiving Day symbols like wreath , turkey , cornucopia , pumpkin etc.

  10. 这样的东西像聚宝盆一样,永远不会枯竭,真是令人惊讶,但我们好像并不觉得惊奇。

    This kind of cornucopia of stuff just coming and never ending is amazing , and we 're not amazed .

  11. 埃及各城邦成了统治阶级的聚宝盆;城墙的根基是用各样宝石修饰的。

    The cities of Egypt became treasure houses for the rulers ; The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone .

  12. 我从不清楚一个煤气罐可以用这么长时间,我开始认为我得到一个聚宝盆了。

    I 've never known a gas cylinda last so long . I was beginning to think I 'd got hold of some kind of widow 's cruse .

  13. 在信息社会和知识经济迅速发展的今天,数据库中信息的价值越来越被认为是财富的聚宝盆,因而它的安全变得越来越重要。推理控制是数据库安全的一个重要方面。

    Today , with the development of information society and knowledge economy , the security of information in the database becomes very important Inference control is an important problem of database security .

  14. 也像当下的互联网经济一样,它让一种错误理念正常化:即科学进步可以培养一种免费资源的聚宝盆,而不会有相关成本,也不会失去自由。

    And , like today 's internet economy , it normalised the false idea that scientific progress could cultivate a cornucopia of free resources with no associated costs or losses of freedom .

  15. 攀枝花市(原名渡口市)位于川滇交界的金沙江和雅砻江汇合处,以富饶的矿产资源、罕见的水能资源、丰富的森林资源和独特的气候资源而誉为甲天下的聚宝盆。

    Panzhihua ( previously named Dukou ) in Sichuan Province , bordering Yunnan , which sits in the confluence of Jinsha River and Yalong River , is abundant in mineral , water , forest resources together with unique climate resources , thus known as the " best cornucopia " .