
  • 网络status report;status reporting
  1. WHO上周发表了《2011年全球饮酒与健康状况报告》(GlobalStatusReportonAlcoholandHealth)。

    The WHO released the " Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2011 " last week .

  2. 信息鉴证的扩展:IDW企业发展状况报告准则简析

    The Enlargement of Information Assurance : The Analysis of IDW Enterprise 's Developing Status Report

  3. 高校学生辅导员队伍身心健康状况报告&某高校学生辅导员SCL-90问卷调查

    College Student Counselors Physical and Mental Health Report

  4. 杰米.卡鲁那(JaimeCaruana)是国际货币基金组织货币与资本市场部主任,也是国际货币基金组织关于全球金融稳定状况报告的主要作者。

    Jaime Caruana is the principal author of the IMF report on financial stability .

  5. 美国半导体器件QML状况报告

    QML status report of semiconductor devices in USA

  6. 全球第二大太阳能电池板制造商英利集团(YingliSolar)总部所在的保定,在中国环保部周一发表的74个城市空气质量状况报告中,被列为空气污染最严重的城市。

    Baoding , home to Yingli Solar , the world 's second-largest solar panel maker , was the most polluted among the 74 cities on an environment ministry list published on Monday .

  7. 提高重点工业污染源排污状况报告的质量

    Heightening the Quality of Discharge Report of Major Industrial Pollution Sources

  8. 关于人才与人才环境状况报告系统的研究

    A Systematic Analysis of Status Report of Talented People and Employment Environment

  9. 世界社会状况报告补编;

    Supplement to the report on the world social situation ;

  10. 每月项目状况报告,回顾及总结。

    Monthly project report , project review and summarization .

  11. 定期准备抵押品保管的状况报告。

    Periodically report the status of collateral custody .

  12. 首部《中国生态状况报告》问世

    The First Ecological Status Report of China Published

  13. 企业经营状况报告;

    The report on enterprise 's operating situation ;

  14. 我国硬质合金发展状况报告会;

    Cemented carbides metal development status record .

  15. 中国农村贫困状况报告

    Report on Rural Poverty Situation in China

  16. 贵国政府是否颁布了国家性立法支持环境状况报告?

    Has your Government enacted national legislation in support of state-of-the-environment ( SOE ) reporting ?

  17. 《经营管理状况报告》。

    A Report on Business Management Status .

  18. 分析工作状况报告只是项目控制的第一步。

    Review of a job status report is only the first step in project control .

  19. 其中一个重要指标就是劳工部每月在发表的失业报告。上月的失业状况报告将在本周五出炉。

    One of the key indicators - the Labor Department 's monthly employment report - comes Friday .

  20. 联邦储备委员会出版的当前经济状况报告,每年八期。

    Report on current economic conditions , published by the federal reserve board eight times each year .

  21. 向老板发送常规状况报告,与办公室同事保持联系。

    Give your boss regular status reports and stay in touch with your co-workers in the office .

  22. 参与环境状况报告的机构对“综合环境评估”一词是否理解?

    Is the term " integrated environmental assessment " well understood by those institutions engaged in SOE reporting ?

  23. 准备洗车站的执行计划和状况报告,确保计划按照具体要求得以执行;

    Prepares car wash station execution plan and status reports and work to ensure plans adhere to required specifications .

  24. 科学界(学术和研究机构)参与环境状况报告工作的程度如何?

    To what extent is the scientific community ( academic and research institutions ) engaged in the SOE reporting process ?

  25. 同时,当士兵受伤或者极度疲劳时,它还能将士兵的状况报告给指挥官和医务兵。

    If necessary , the WPSM can notify medics and commanders if the soldier has been wounded or has become fatigued .

  26. 向经理人员提供每周的状况报告,包括已耗时间、完工估计时间以及实际与预算的对比。

    Provide manager with weekly status reports , including summary of hours incurred , estimates to complete and budget versus actual status .

  27. 根据他的释放条件,迈格拉希必须住在他在的黎波里的家中,并提供每月健康状况报告。

    Under the terms of his release , al-Megrahi must live at his Tripoli home and provide monthly reports of his medical condition .

  28. 每年报送《经营管理状况报告》和会计师事务所出具的上一年度审计报告;

    Submitting a Report on Business Management Status and the audit report for the previous year as issued by an accounting firm every year ;

  29. 该协会发布了一份年度《空气状况报告》,让美国人了解自己所在环境的空气质量。

    The association releases an annual State of the Air report , which allows Americans to find out about air quality in their own locale .

  30. 上一年度末和最近季度末经会计事务所审计的偿付能力状况报告及其说明;

    A report of solvency status at the end of the previous year and that of the recent quarter audited by an accounting firm and their explanations ;