
  • 网络top pick
  1. 同样,2017年的NBA状元秀在下个赛季将会拿到510万美元的薪水,而如果新的劳资协议生效,其将会增长50%至760万美元,如果未签约同样计入球队工资。

    Similarly , the top overall pick in the 2017 NBA Draft has a rookie-scale salary of $ 5.1 million for next season . If the new CBA raises that by 50 percent as well , the player would take up $ 7.6 million unsigned .

  2. 作为中国体育的象征之一,姚明在2002年选秀大会上以状元秀的身份登陆NBA,为休斯顿火箭队效力九年,八次入选全明星,并在2004年雅典奥运会和2008年北京奥运会上率领国家队闯入八强。

    As one of the sports icons in China , Yao landed on NBA in the year of 2002 as the first-pick of the draft , playing for Houston Rockets for 9 years and entering all-star games eight times . He also led the Chinese national team to the last eight in 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games .

  3. 让我们从2004状元秀开始。

    Let 's begin with the first pick of the2004 draft .

  4. 被选中的中国小巨人也成为联盟历史上最高而且是第二重的状元秀。

    That the young by China who pitches on giant also becomes alliance maximal and be second double No.1 pick in history .

  5. 他作为当年选秀的状元秀选手,被休斯顿火箭队选中,此时火箭队的新球馆将由丰田公司赞助。

    He was the top pick of that draft , selected by the Houston Rockets , whose new arena would soon be sponsored by Toyota .

  6. 威金斯和唐斯的身上永远携带着前状元秀的影响力,但是21岁的拉文,在某些夜晚交出的表现已经变成三人中最优秀的。

    Wiggins and Towns will forever carry the clout of former No. 1 overall picks , but LaVine , 21 , has been the best of the three on some nights .

  7. 状元秀的其中一个大热门,肯塔基大学的纳伦斯·诺埃尔在第六顺位被新奥尔良摘走,然后被交易至费城换来全明星后卫朱·霍勒迪。

    One of the favorites for the top spot , Kentucky center Nerlens Noel , was taken sixth by New Orleans and then traded to Philadelphia for all-star point guard Jrue Holiday .

  8. 状元秀本-西蒙斯(另一个76人球员)至今还未上场,榜眼布兰登-英格拉姆,在年轻的湖人打出了不错的防守,但是他场上低于40%的命中率证明他还需要大量的努力。

    No. 1 overall pick Ben Simmons ( another Sixer ! ) has yet to take the court . The No. 2 pick , Brandon Ingram , is playing decent defense for the frisky Lakers , but his offense needs a lot of work as he 's shooting under 40 % from the field .